How to go
If you wish to visit the place, you have two choices to take. One is from Dhaka, and another one is from Faridpur.
1. If you are from Dhaka, then you have to first come at Mawa Ferri Ghat. To come from dhaka, you can use Bus “Elish” from Gulisthan. Then cross the river Padma using speed boat, launch, or ferry. After crossing the giant river, take any local bus that will take you at “Pulia”. It will take around 20-25 minutes to reach the bus stand.
2. If you are from Faridpur, then take any local bus from the old bus stand, or you can take the bus of Madaripur. Ask the bus driver to drop you at “Bhanga Point”. From there, you have to take another local bus that will drop you at “Pulia”. It will be about 20 minutes from Bhanga to Pulia.
Now you are at Pulia Bazar Bus Stand. You have to take a Van from the bus stand, and it will drop you at Shimul Bazar. It will be around 8-10 taka fare. From the Shimul bazar you have to go at Pathrail Dighir Par Mosque. It’s hard to get any van to take with you towards the mosque. So you can walk at the village path for 30 minutes, or you can wait to manage a van.
How To Reach: Faridpur District
It would take around 3 hours and 52 minutes to travel Faridpur from Dhaka city via Tongi and Baipayl (বাইপাইল) through crossing the river. The distance is around 138.1 km. Air distance from Dhaka to Faridpur is 56 km.
1. Nabil Paribahan
Address: 15/1, old Gabtoly Mirpur, Dhaka-1218
Phone: 02-9007036, 02-9011143
2. Goldenline & Azmiri Enterprise ( AC Bus Service, Faridpur>Dhaka)
Tel : 0631-66988,
Cell: 01755-522 200, 01733-208 87
3. Zaker Enterprise ( NON AC Bus , Faridpur> Dhaka)
Tel: 01712- 424 134
4. Saudia Paribahan ( Faridpur>Dhaka)
Tel : 0631-63644
Cell: 01916-136 531, 01717-605 576
Where to Stay
1. Hotel Raffell Inn
Gowalchamot (গোয়ালচামট), Faridpur
32 rooms, Non-governmental,
Phone: 0631-61106
2. Hotel Laxury, Resident
Gowalchamot (গোয়ালচামট), Faridpur
65 rooms, Non-governmental,
Phone: 0631-62623
3. Hotel Padma, Resident
Mujib Road, Faridpur
45 rooms, Non-governmental,
Phone: 0631-62685
4. Hotel Park Palace, Resident
38 rooms, Non-governmental,
Phone: 01556327067
5. Hotel Shyamoli, Resident
Mujib Road, Faridpur
13 rooms, Non-governmental,
Phone: 0631-64538
6. Hotel jonaki, Resident
Gowalchamot (গোয়ালচামট), Faridpur
44 rooms, Non-governmental,
Phone: 0631-64168
7. Regional Rice Research Institute, Guest House
Chief Scientific Officer, Regional Rice Research Institute,
Vanga (ভাঙ্গা), Faridpur
Governmental, 100/- for Non-AC
Phone: 06323-56329
8. সুকন্যা ভবন
Address: Faridpur District
9. Jui House
Faridpur – Magura – Jhenaidah – Jessore – Khulna – Mongla Road
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[name] => Chandamari Mosque
[post_id] => 6325
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The Chandamari mosque in Kurigram is an ancient Mughal mosque that has been around for centuries. However, the mosque is falling inexorably into ruin due to acid rain and lack of proper maintenance. The mosque is situated in the village of Chandamari in Chakirpasha union under the Rajarhat Upazila in the district of Kurigram. No one knows the exact year the mosque was built or who built it. The locals consider it the oldest mosque in the area, at approximately five hundred years old. The architecture of the mosque is very similar to that of other buildings dating back to the Mughal times. It should be mentioned that there is no department of archaeology in the district. Should archaeologists visit the mosque and perform carbon dating experiments, its year of foundation may be pinpointed.
During a visit to the site, local man Abdul Zalil Sarker and President of the Mosque Committee Jakir Hossen Chowdhury told Star Insight that perhaps future generations will know the exact age of the mosque. "It was built in the 16th or 17th century. It bears some similarities to the structure of the Atia mosque (1609 AD) in Tangail," a local historian said. Local sources say that though there are 52 decimals of land in the mosque's name, whilst it is established on only five decimals. The height of the mosque is 45”. There are three large, four medium and twenty-four small domes on top, the four corners and around the mosque respectively. Nine of smaller domes have been damaged.
This mosque, however, is not one of a kind. Hundreds of old buildings with ample antique value and rich heritage are crumbling due to lack of care while others are even being deconstructed. The issue seems to be ignored completely by authorities despite plenty of public interest and protest.
The mosque was made with flat tally bricks, which were cemented together with a kind of paste called Bhishkas. The thickness of walls, roof and domes are 4”. From a long period of continued carelessness, a crack had formed in the center of the 3 large domes. Being unfit, the middle dome was reduced by ½ feet and repaired by the mosque committee, who also built a tin-shed porch in front of the mosque.
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[name] => Chand Gazi Bhuiya Mosque
[post_id] => 1083
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Chad Gazi Bhuya Mosque, also known as Chad Kha Mosque, is an archaic mosque from the Feni district that was built during 1112 Hijri (Arabic Calendar). According to the inscription at the front door, the mosque was built by someone named Chad Gazi Bhuya. It’s a traditional three domed mosque, domes are in a single row. Center one is larger compared to the others. All the three domes are having a Lotus at the top and two Kolosh (native water pot). This looks delicately beautiful and adds an extraordinary beauty to the mosque.
Apart from the domes, the mosque has 12 minarets over the walls in a symmetric way. Four minarets at the four corners are having similar style and other 8 minarets amid the walls are also having similar style. Eastern side of the wall is having simple terracotta along with the terracotta above the front door.
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[name] => {:en}Ashrafpur Mosque{:}{:bn}আশরাফপুর মসজিদ{:}
[post_id] => 4267
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[post_content] => {:en}Ashrafpur is an ancient village of Shibpur Upazila under Narsingdi district. In this village there was two seventh century’s copperplate inscription discovered. Ashrafpur Mosque is situated 1 kilometer south to the finding place of these copperplates. An inscribed stone of this Mosque,Once which was attached to the mosque and now preserved in the Bangladesh national museum, reveals that the mosque was built in 930 AH/ 1524 AD by Dilwar Khan during the reign of Sultan Nasiruddin Abul Muzaffar Nusrat Shah (1519-1532).
The mosque, ruined by the earthquake of 1897, was abandoned, prayer in it discontinued and in course of time it got shrouded by jungle. In 1940 the jungle was cleared and the mosque recovered under the leadership of Mowlana Syed Ali. Even at that time the Mihrab and a portion of the western wall was extant. It was a single domed small mosque built in the sultanate style. Later on, a three-domed modern mosque has been built on the same site where once stood the Sultani mosque.{:}{:bn}
আশরাফপুর গ্রামে যে স্থানে ৭ শতকের দুটো তাম্রফলক পাওয়া গিয়েছিল সেই স্থানের ১ কিলোমিটার দক্ষিনে আশরাফপুর মসজিদটি অবস্থিত। আশরাফপুর মসজিদের শিলালিপিটি বর্তমানে জাতীয় জাদুঘরে সংরক্ষিত আছে। শিলালিপি থেকে জানা যায় যে ৯৩০ হিজরী এবং ১৫২৪ খ্রিস্টাব্দে সুলতান নাসিরউদ্দিন আবুল মুজাফফর নুসরাত শাহ এর শাসনামলে (১৫১৯-১৫৩২) জনৈক দিলওয়ার খান এই মসজিদটি নির্মাণ করিয়েছিলেন।
১৮৯৭ সালের ভয়াবহ ভুমিকম্পে ক্ষতিগ্রস্থ হবার পর মসজিদটিকে পরিত্যাক্ত করা হয় এবং ধীরে ধীরে মসজিদটি জঙ্গলে ঢেকে যায়। ১৯৪০ সালে মওলানা সৈয়দ আলীর নেতৃত্বে জঙ্গল পরিষ্কারের পর মসজিদটিকে উদ্ধার করা হয়। সেসময় মসজিদের মিহরাব এবং পশ্চিমদিকের দেয়ালের অস্তিত্ব ছিল। এক গম্বুজ বিশিষ্ট ছোট এই মসজিদটি সুলতানাত শৈলীতে নির্মাণ করা হয়েছিল। পরবর্তীতে এই মসজিদের স্থানেই একটি তিন গম্বুজ বিশিষ্ট আধুনিক মসজিদ নির্মাণ করা হয়।
আশরাফপুরের তাম্রফলকের অভিলিখন:
নরসিংদী জেলার শিবপুর উপজেলায় অবস্থিত আশরাফপুর গ্রামটি প্রত্নতাত্ত্বিক নিদর্শনের জন্য খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। ১১৮৫ সালে মিয়া বখশ খান নামের একজন গ্রামবাসী এখানে একটি মাটির স্তূপ থেকে ৭ শতকের দুটি তাম্রফলকের সন্ধান পান। তাম্রফলকের অভিলিখন থেকে জানা যায় খাডগা বংশের জনৈক দেবখাডগা এখানকার বৌদ্ধ সংঘ এবং বিহারকে কিছু জমি দান করেছিলেন। এখানে মাটি খনন করে কিছু প্রাচীন ইট এবং একটি ধ্বংসপ্রাপ্ত দেয়ালের অংশবিশেষও উদ্ধার করা হয়।
এই স্থানে আনুষ্ঠানিকভাবে খননকাজ করা না হলেও মানুষের বসতি নির্মাণের সময় কিছু খনন করার প্রয়োজন হয়েছিল। ইতিহাসবিদরা মনে করেন এখানে অবস্থিত বৌদ্ধ বিহারটি ছিল অত্র অঞ্চলে বৌদ্ধ ধর্ম চর্চা এবং শিক্ষার একটি কেন্দ্র।
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[name] => Baparipara Shahi Mosque
[post_id] => 6310
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Baparipara Shahi Mosque is located at 1 km distance from Rajarhat Upazila of Kurigram district. The Mosque length is 32 feet and width is 10 feet. It is surrounded by 3 ft high wall. There are 3 door, 1 decorated gate, 2 tower and 4 high tower situated on the four corner of the Mosque. On the center of the roof, there are three big domes. There are no inscription found about the Mosque. From its architectural sign, you can guess Baparipara Shahi Mosque is around 200 year old.
[This spot needs more detail. If you have more information and photos, please be advised to add in our website. Your name will be published as a Content Contributor]