Where to Stay
There are many hotels available in Chittagong. Some of them have been mentioned below for your help.
1. Hotel Golden Inn
Address: 336 Station Rd Chittagong
Contact: 611 004
2. Asian SR Hotel
Address: 291 Station Rd Chittagong
Contact: 031-2850346-8, 01711-889555
3. Hotel Park
Address: 627, DT road, Kadamtoli Chittagong
Contact: 01819-388011
4. Hotel Landmark
Address: 3072, Sheikh Mujhibar Road, Agrabad, Chittagong
Contact: 031-813598/727299
5. Hotel Dream International Ltd
Station Road, Chittagong, Bangladesh
6. Hotel Azad
Enayet Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh
7. Hotel Mishka
Station Road, Chittagong 4000, Bangladesh
8. Motel Shaikat
Station Road, Chittagong, Bangladesh
[0] => Array
[name] => Maharajar Dighi
[post_id] => 3086
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/maharajar-dighi/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Moharajar-Dighi-300x200-300x200.jpg
[post_content] =>
Away from panchagar town about 10 miles a big pond is situated at Amarkhana unionis popularly known as Maharajar dighi. With the bank its surface is 800 yard. Local people says that its depth is 40 feet. Its water is clear. It has 10 saghata.It is imagined that Pitthu king dag this lake. It is said that the king attacked by a lower class and suicide with family and wealth by jumping in this lake. Every year Boishakhi fair held at the bank of the river. Many time the presence of the Indian people also seen. Beside the lake there are many green designs of trees which is very dear to all till now.
[1] => Array
[name] => Rampal Dighi
[post_id] => 8867
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/rampal-dighi/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/rampal-21-300x169.jpg
[post_content] => Rampal Dighi is one of the most ancient Dighi(large pond) in Munshiganj District. It is about 1500m long from north to south and 300m wide. Recently built Rampal College stands on its northern bank. Rampal Dighi covers an area of about 55 acres of land.
The Lake of Legend:
Ballal Sen (Bengali: বল্লাল সেন; reign: 1160–1179) was the second ruler of the Sen dynasty of Bengal. He was the son and successor of Vijay Sen, the founder of Sen dynasty. King Bollal Sen was a famous ruler of Sen dynasty in Bikrompur. One day his mother told him that the tenants need a good & suitable source of water for their everyday use. The kind King set arrangement for making a very large pond. Actually his mother was instructed by some Angelic figures in a lucid dream. So,according to her dream she decided to walk a mile. Her walkway will be the area of the pond. After the pond is being dug, there was no water at all. Again according to the instruction of an angelic entity the King decided to sacrifice himself. But at last moment kings friend Rampal took his place. Rampal sacrificed himself and the pond was filled with water instantly. But unfortunately today there is no water in this pond anymore.
[2] => Array
[name] => {:en}Poddo Beel of Ghagutia{:}{:bn}ঘাগুটিয়ার পদ্ম বিল{:}
[post_id] => 6669
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/poddo-beel-of-ghagutia/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/ghagutia-poddo-beel-011-300x225.jpg
[post_content] => {:en}
Poddo Beel of Ghagutia is located beside the Ghagutia BGB camp. Local people pronounce the name as Ghaguitta (ঘাগুইট্টা). As you require boat to explore the beel, you might find that in the house just near the camp. The owner's name of the boat is Mohammad Shohel.
As the water level decreases day by day, it is hard to push the boat through those dense leafs of lotus and lilies. The number of lotus flower is not few to count. Usually in the morning the flowers are being collected by the villagers. You may see the broken stalk of flowers everywhere. You can collect lot of flowers and Poddo fruits from the Beel during your ride. The whole Beel is covered with plants like Poddo, Shaluk, Chad Mala, and other aquatic flowers.
Beside the Beel, the Indian border is visible easily. In fact, 20 percent of that Beel are actually located inside India. But almost 80 percent is inside Bangladesh. In Summer, when the water dries up completely, villagers cultivate paddy there. Again in the Monsoon, the Beel gets flourished with Poddo (চাঁদ মালা) and other aquatic flowers.
ঘাগুটিয়ার পদ্ম বিল বিজিবি ক্যাম্পের পাশেই অবস্থিত। স্থানীয়রা গ্রামের নাম ঘাগুইটটা বলেও উচ্চারণ করে থাকে। ক্যাম্পের কাছে অবস্থিত একটি ভবনে একটি নৌকা রাখা আছে। নৌকা ভ্রমন না করে আপনি এই বিলটি পুরোপুরি দেখতে পারবেন না।
মোহাম্মদ ইউনুস নামক জনৈক ব্যাক্তির পুত্র মোহাম্মদ সোহেল এই নৌকাটির মালিক এবং তাঁরা যথেষ্ট ধনী। দিন দিন বিলের পানি কমে যাওয়ায় পদ্ম ফুলের মধ্যে দিয়ে নৌকা চালানো কঠিন হয়ে পড়ছে।
বিলে পদ্ম ফুলের সংখ্যা মোটেও কম নয়। সাধারণত সকাল বেলা পদ্ম ফুলের সংখ্যা থাকে সবচেয়ে বেশি। গ্রামবাসীরা প্রচুর পদ্মফুল সংগ্রহ করে তাই আপনি চারপাশে পদ্ম ফুলের ভাঙ্গা ডাল ছড়িয়ে থাকতে দেখবেন। বিলে নৌকা ভ্রমনের সময় আপনি পদ্ম ফুল এবং পদ্ম ফল সংগ্রহ করতে পারেন। পুরো বিল বিভিন্ন ধরনের জলজ ফুলে ছেয়ে থাকে যেমনঃ পদ্ম ফুল, শালুক ফুল, চাঁদমালা ফুল।
বিলের পাশে অবস্থিত ভারতীয় সীমান্ত খুব সহজেই দেখা যায়। বিলের প্রায় ৮০ শতাংশ বাংলাদেশে থাকলেও বাকি অংশ ভারতের অংশে অবস্থিত। শুষ্ক মৌসুমে বিলের পানি পুরোপুরি শুকিয়ে যাবে এবং গ্রামবাসিরা এরপর এখানে ধান চাষ করবে। আবারো বর্ষাকালে এই বিলটি পদ্ম এবং অন্যান্য জলজ ফুলে ভরে যাবে।
[3] => Array
[name] => Shukhbashpur Dighi
[post_id] => 8933
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/shukhbashpur-dighi/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Sukhobashpur-1-300x169.jpg
[post_content] => Shukhbashpur Dighi (সুখবাসপুর দিঘী), nearly hundred years old Lake situated at Hatimara, Rampal Union Parishad of Munshiganj Sadar. Almost all around the year it is filled with water. It is a rectangular shaped lake which is surrounded by different types of green trees. Its natural beauty, gentle breeze, calm and quiet environment attracts people to spend their leisure time at the edge of this dighi. Above all, its oldness and different types of myth also make people visit this place.