How to go
The travelers have to make a trip from Khagrachari to ManikchariUpazilla by public bus or a private vehicle. From Manikchari you can hire auto rickshaw to go to Rajbari or palace of the Mogh Chief. The buses leaving for Khagrachari from Dhaka.
How To Reach: Khagrachhari District
There are two ways to get in Khagrachari, both by road: Direct from Dhaka via BaroiarHat or from Chittagong. A number of non-stop coach services are available from Dhaka (e.g., Shanti Paribahan, Soudia, S. Alam, Eagle and ShamoliParibahan). Gabtoli, Saidabad, Komolapur and Kolabagan are the bus stand name in Dhaka where you can get bus tickets. Bus fare was about 520 Taka (as of 11-May-2014).
From Chittagong you can get non-AC bus services of BRTC and Shanti Paribahan are most convenient with the fare as cheap as to travel to Khagarachari or the other two hill districts (Rangamati and Bandarban). Oxygen-moor is the bus stand name in Chittagong. But there is no bus service will available after 6 pm.
From Chittagong you can get non-AC bus services of BRTC and Shanti Paribahan are most convenient with the fare as cheap as to travel to Khagarachari or the other two hill districts (Rangamati and Bandarban). Oxygen-moor is the bus stand name in Chittagong. But there is no bus service will available after 6 pm.
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[name] => Haturia Zamindar Bari
[post_id] => 5290
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Haturia is the birth place of Zamindar Sekander Ali Chowdhury who was the Recognized Muslim Zamindar in British Period. Haturia is the place in Gosairhat Upazila where once upon a time, there was Stimar Station. The old structure of Haturia Zamindar Bari is now destroyed for lack of caring. If Government or any other not care it or take any steps, it will be distinct as soon as possible.
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[name] => {:en}Raja Shitaram Palace{:}{:bn}রাজা সীতারামের প্রাসাদ{:}
[post_id] => 1904
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Raja Sitaram Ray (1658–1714) was a sovereign king. Raja Shitaram Palace has now almost been destroyed, but holds the history of many years in every corner of its building. He rebelled against the Mughal Empire and established a short-lived sovereign Hindu dominion in Bengal. In his early life he initiated Shaktism as he came from a Shakta family. He set up capital in Mohammadpur where the palace is located and established a Dashabhuja Temple there.
In course of time he became attracted to Vaishnavism and became a disciple of Krishna Vallabh Goswami of Murshidabad, who initiated belief in him. Sitaram established a pancharatna temple devoted to Hare Krishna in the village of Kanainagar to the west of the fort at Mohammadpur.
{:}{:bn}রাজা সীতারাম রায় ছিলেন একজন স্বাধীন রাজা। তিনি মুঘল রাজত্বের বিরুদ্ধে বিদ্রোহ করেন এবং বাংলায় একটি স্বল্পস্থায়ী হিন্দু অঞ্চল প্রতিষ্ঠা করেন। শাক্তা পরিবার থেকে আসায় তিনি জীবনের শুরুতে শক্তিবাদের প্রবর্তন করেন। মোহাম্মাদপুরে রাজধানী স্থাপন করে রাজা সীতারাম সেখানে দাশাভুজা মন্দির স্থাপন করেন। সময়ের সাথে সাথে রাজা সীতারাম বিষ্ণুবাদের প্রতি আকর্ষিত হন এবং মুর্শিদাবাদের কৃষ্ণ বল্লভ গোস্বামীর ভক্ত বনে যান যিনি রাজা সীতারামের মধ্যে বিশ্বাস স্থাপন করেন। মোহাম্মাদপুর দুর্গের পশ্চিমে কানাইনগর গ্রামে রাজা সীতারাম হরি কৃষ্ণকে উৎসর্গ করে একটি পঞ্চরত্ন মন্দির স্থাপন করেন।{:}
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[name] => Naldanga Zamindar Bari
[post_id] => 5068
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Naldanga Zamindar Bari (নলডাঙ্গা জমিদার বাড়ি) is a very significant historical place of Gaibandha. It was the birth place of Tulshi Lahiri, a great artist, actor as well as writer. Surendrochandro, father of Tulshi Lahiri, decorated this colorful Zamindar Bari. Cheratar is one of the dramatic book of Tukshi Lahiri which is still included in books in the intermediate standard level in Kolkata.
At British period, Naldanga Zamindar Bari was one of the vital center for collecting revenue of North Bengal. Shibchandra and Shomvochandra were the two brothers who first came to Naldanga and founded the Zamindar Bari. Shibchandra was the grandfather of Tulshi Lahiri. Back of the Zamindar Bari, a relics of Mandir is still seen here. In front of the wall of Zamindar Bari, many valuable sculptures had been hooked, but most of them were stolen or snatched by the local people. Only one sculpture was rescued and still unharmed.
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[name] => House of Brajen Munshi
[post_id] => 6440
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Munshi Bari is situated at Dhoroni union from 7 km north-east of Ulipur sub district in Kurigram district. Brajen Munshi Agent of landlord Subarnamayi established this house for his one use. An inscription of a building beside the house established by Brajen Munshi indicate the established date 1880 A.D. From here, it is assumed that house of Brajen Munshi was built from few days before of that building. Now this building use for union Tahasil office.
[This spot needs more detail. If you have more information and photos, please be advised to add in our website. Your name will be published as a Content Contributor]