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[name] => Pakutia Zamindar Bari
[post_id] => 8891
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Pakutia Zamindar Bari resides under the administration of Nagarpur of Tangail district. This Zamindar Bari complex comprises of three main buildings. Out of these three, one is much larger compared to other two’s. The larger one is using as a Degree college these days and also the college authority holds the ownership of other two edifices as well. But they have rented Pakutia Zamindar Bari to other organization.
Initially the Zamindari was established by the hand of Ramkrishna Shaha Mondol at the early of 19th century. He has two sons named Radha Gobinda and Brindaban Chandra. Radha Gobinda didn't have any children but Brindaban Chandra had three. They are Brojendro Mohon, Upendra Mohon and Jogendra Mohon. Childless Radha Gobinda adopted the second son of his brother and later gave his whole property to him.
These three brothers later built three separate buildings for them in 1915 (almost 100 years from now). Each of the buildings are having extreme artwork & design, stylish columns, and small statues. Each inches of the building is having a delicate design that impresses everyone even these days. Top of the building is having a lovely sculpture type architecture that is rich in design, concept, and artwork (more if I consider the building period) in this modern days. Apart from these, there are several large ponds located at the backyard of the building.
This Zamindar family was friendly towards the villagers. They have established a school during 1916 named as Brindaban Chandra Radha Gobinda School (in short B.C.R.G. School) for their father and uncle. They have left this country during the 1947 separation. Later in 1967, the government established B.C.R.G Degree College on these buildings to commemorate the friendly Zamindar family.
Apart from the Zamindar Bari, the premise now has a temple which probably used by the families who lived here. Also there is an open theater available that was used to arrange the local play or drama known as Jatra/Pala (যাত্রা/পালা).
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[name] => Tajhat Zamindar Palace
[post_id] => 1923
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Few of the attractions in Bangladesh are as stately, large and beautiful as the Tajhat Zamindar Palace. This historical palace was built near the beginning of the 20th century. It is situated roughly three kilometers south east of Rangpur’s city center and currently serves as a museum for the public.
The front of this impressive edifice is about 76 meters long and two stories high. A ribbed conical dome supported by a tall octagonal neck is located in the center of the roof and crowns the palace. These are just some of the extraordinary features that continue to attract visitors from around the world to this small corner of the globe. The incredible architectural skill that went into the building and design of this 100-year-old palace is truly something special and visitors often find themselves stunned by the craftsmanship that is found in this amazing structure. It is hard to believe that all this, and the surrounding city, all started as a simple bit of trade involving hats.
Sometime during the 18th century a man by the name of Manna Lal Roy traveled from Punjab in India as a cap or hat merchant.There was a massive cap bazaar where trade was regularly conducted about half a kilometer southwest of Mahiganj and this was where he set up shop. The area was known appropriately as taj (cap) hat (bazaar) and the name has always stuck. Manna Lal Roy was a shrewd businessman who managed to amass quite a bit of wealth through his cap sales. In fact he became so rich that he was able to loan many of the viceroys in the region money during the famine of 1770-1790. This gave him immense power and influence and eventually led to him becoming the founder of the Tajhat dynasty. In the 1900s, one of his indirect heirs, GobindaLal Roy, became the last viceroy and Raja of Tajhat. GobindaLal Roy was the most educated viceroy to ever take his position and under his authority Tajhat flourished. It is thought that the Tajhat Palace was built under his rule.
There are a number of features of the palace that testify to the incredible wealth of the Lal Roy viceroy. Apart from the building’s immense size, the wide stairs that climb to the second story on the front of the building are made of marble. Beautiful pictures can be found on doors and windows.
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[name] => {:en}Old House at Gokorno Gram{:}{:bn}গোকর্ণ গ্রামের পুরনো বাড়ী{:}
[post_id] => 6448
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The Old House at Gokorno Gram is a small building located beside a village pond and local say this as Barrister Bari (ব্যারিস্টার বাড়ী). You may not find much information about this old building from the internet. With the help of the local people beside the house, you can enter inside the house. Right now, no one lives there. Few of the rooms are still firm these days, but others are very risky in condition. This old house located at the Gokorno village (গোকর্ণ গ্রাম) of Nasirnagar Upazila of Brahmanbaria District.
[We need more detail information of this spot. If you have more information and photos, please be advised to add and share in our website. Your name will be published as a Content Contributor]
পুকুরের পাশেই অবস্থিত এই ছোট বাড়িটিকে স্থানীয়রা ব্যারিস্টারবাড়িও বলে থাকে। বাড়িটির আশেপাশে বসবাসকারী স্থানীয়দের সহায়তায় আপনি এর অভ্যন্তরে ঢুকতে পারবেন। বর্তমানে এই বাড়িতে কেউ বসবাস করে না। বাড়িটির কয়েকটি কক্ষও এখনও মজবুত অবস্থায় থাকলেও বাদবাকি কক্ষগুলো খুবই ঝুঁকিপূর্ণ অবস্থায় রয়েছে।
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[name] => Harisachandra Pat or Rajbari
[post_id] => 6261
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Ancient Harisachandra pat or Rajbari is located at Khutamara union in Jaldhaka Upazila of Nilphamari district. It is situated south side the river Charal Kata. Now it all ruins. There is an Elevation. On the Elevation are 5 black stone. People says that of that area those stone some time Sink and Arm in the soil. Many people says that it is a grave or building of the king. Beside this Elevation there are more two Elevation. In the north side of this pat or Rajbari there has two pond name Duyo-Suyo. Which carry the memory of two princes Anuda and Padun.