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[name] => {:en}Boral River{:}{:bn}বড়াল নদী{:}
[post_id] => 13851
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Boral River is the main river in Bagatipara which has divided Bagatipara Upazila in two parts. The origin of this river is from the river Padma started from the Charghat Upazila of Rajshahi district. The total length of Baral River is 120 km. It flows from Charghat of Rajshahi, and through Bagatipara, Lalpur, Baraigram, Natore Sadar of Natore district, Gurdaspur Upazila of Pabna district and joined with the Jamuna River.
Once, this river was the main means of communication. In Monsoon, this river trail is used to transport goods from one place to another, but in dry season, the water way remains useless. The water of this river is now massively used for farming in the field. Once there were many fishes available in this river. Due to the At one time there were many fish in the river. Now, as the river silted up, the fish cycle is been destroyed.
বাগাতিপাড়ার উল্লেখযোগ্য নদী হলো বড়াল নদী। বাগাতিপাড়া উপজেলাটি বড়াল নদীর মাধ্যমে দ্বিখন্ডিত হয়েছে। বড়াল নদীর উৎপত্তি পদ্মা নদীর রাজশাহী জেলার চারঘাট উপজেলা থেকে। বড়াল নদীর দৈর্ঘ্য ১২০ কিলোমিটার। এটি রাজশাহীর চারঘাট, নাটোর জেলার বাগাতিপাড়া, লালপুর, বড়াইগ্রাম, নাটোর সদর, গুরুদাসপুর হয়ে পাবনা জেলার মধ্যে দিয়ে প্রবাহিত হয়ে যমুনায় মিশে গেছে। এক সময় এ নদীই ছিল যোগাযোগের প্রধান মাধ্যম। বর্ষা মৌসুমে সীমিত আকারে নদীর মাধ্যমে একস্থান থেকে অন্যস্থানে মালামাল আনা নেয়া করা হলেও শুকনা মৌসুমে নদীতে পানি কমে যাওয়ায় যোগাযোগের অযোগ্য হয়ে পড়ে। বর্তমানে এই বড়াল নদীর পানি দ্বারা কৃষিকাজ করা হয়। এক সময় নদীতে অনেক মাছ পাওয়া যেত। এখন নদী ভরাট হয়ে যাওয়ার কারণে মাছ পাওয়া যায় না।
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[name] => Karnafuli River and Zoom Restaurant
[post_id] => 7023
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There are lots of marvelous natural and man-made objects to enjoy near the bank of Karnafuli River in the port city Chittagong. If you visit the Karnafuli River, there is a restaurant called Zoom, just beside the Chittagong-Kaptai road. This restaurant is monitored and managed by BDR. It’s a nice picnic spot. A lot of students from Rangamati go there as a study tour.
From the spot, you can enjoy the panoramic view over the river Karnafuli. This river is flowing nicely, always full with water, whether its dry season or rainy. Both side of the river has small Mountains, and which is rich with various kinds of deciduous trees. If you visit there in the dry season, you may find most of the trees having no leaves. Its different kinds of beauty. No sign of life, but it’s still wonderful to enjoy.
There are several boats at the river, you can have a boat ride using them. Those are a bit costly, but you know you have to spend some money when you want to enjoy that kind of such beauty.
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[name] => {:en}Sangu River{:}{:bn}সাঙ্গু নদী{:}
[post_id] => 5349
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The Sangu River is a river in Myanmar and Bangladesh. Its source is in the North Arakan Hills of Myanmar, located at 21°13´N 92°37´E. The Arakan Hills form the boundary between Arakan and the Chittagong Hill Tracts. It follows a northerly circuitous course in the hill tracts and then enters Bangladesh near Remarki, Thanchi Upazila, Bandarban District, from the east. It flows north through Thanchi, Rowangchhari and Bandarban Sadar Upazilas of Bandarban District. It then flows west through Satkania and Banshkhali Upazilas in Chittagong District and flows into the Bay of Bengal near Chittagong, at 22°6´N 91°51´E, or about 16.09 kilometres (10.00 mi) south of the mouth of the Karnafuli River. The length of the river is 270 kilometres (170 mi); 173 kilometres (107 mi) are located within Bangladesh.
Sangu River is the complete part of the natural beauty of Bandarban. It follows a northerly circuitous course in the hill tracts up to Bandarban. It enters the district from the east and flows west across the district and finally falls into the Bay of Bengal at the end of a course of 270 km. This river is flowing through the hills thousands of years. It is an important route to communicate with Ruma and Thanchi Upazila. It has huge financial interests for the population of Bandarban. This river is widely used for transportation, agricultural and other necessary products for the people of remote community.
In the winter season the current of the river almost becomes stagnant but in the rainy season the current becomes aggressive. Visitor must be attract with the beautification scattered on the both sides of it. You can find here hills, forests, falls with a river together. All the way you will be thrilled only and it is simply amazing.
The major tributaries of the river are the Chand Khali Nadi and Dolukhal. The Chand Khali Nadi flows through the Patiya Plains, and the Dolukhal River drains into the Satkania Plains. Another tributary is the Kumira Khali, which drains into the Kutubdia Channel. There are seven Bangladesh Water Management Board hydrometric stations on this river, which have been recording data since 1965.
The Sangu drains off the waters of Patiya, Satkania, and Banshkhali Upazilas. It has a connection with the Karnafuli River through the Chand Khali River. The Sangu is a shallow river, but it becomes violent during rains and develops rapid currents. It is navigable up to 48.27 kilometres (29.99 mi) from the estuary. The Sangu gas field is located about 50 kilometres (31 mi) southwest of Chittagong and reaches a depth of 10 meters at its mouth.
বান্দরবানের প্রাকৃতিক সৌন্দর্যের অন্যতম অংশ সাঙ্গু নদী পার্বত্য চট্রগ্রামে উত্তরদিকে বৃত্তাকারে বান্দরবান পর্যন্ত প্রবাহিত হয়েছে। পূর্বদিক দিয়ে বান্দরবানে প্রবেশ করে নদীটি জেলার পশ্চিম দিক দিয়ে বের হয়েছে এবং প্রায় ২৭০ কিলোমিটার প্রবাহিত হওয়ার পর বঙ্গোপসাগরে মিলিত হয়েছে। পার্বত্য অঞ্চলে হাজার বছর ধরে প্রবাহিত এই নদীটি রুমা এবং থানচি উপজেলার সাথে যোগাযোগের এক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ মাধ্যম। বান্দরবানের জনগনের অর্থনৈতিক প্রবৃদ্ধিতে এই নদীটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভুমিকা পালন করছে। দুর্গম এই অঞ্চলের মানুষেরা পরিবহন, কৃষি এবং অন্যান্য প্রয়োজনীয় কাজে নদীটিকে বহুভাবে ব্যবহার করে থাকে।
শীতকালে সাঙ্গুনদীর স্রোত অনেকাংশে ম্রিয়মাণ হয়ে গেলেও বর্ষাকালে নদীটির স্রোত তীব্র আকার ধারন করে। সাঙ্গু নদীর দুই তীরের পাহাড়, বন, নদী ও ঝর্ণার সৌন্দর্যে যেকোনো পর্যটকই বিমোহিত হবেন। এক কথায় সাঙ্গুনদী দেখে আপনি শুধু অবাকই হবেন না বরং মুগ্ধতা আপনাকে গ্রাস করবে।
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[name] => Narsingdi Meghna River Branch
[post_id] => 12026
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Mighty river Meghna's branch is located eastward to the Narsingdi Sadar. It is used as a river ghat to move in various directions from Narsingdi District. If someone pays a visit there at the Ghat, he/she may observe a cluster of wood made engine boats awaiting for passengers. It is a place largely of gatherings all the day long. The launch terminal is just steps away from this Ghat.
There are some attractions around the river ghat that make people wondering this place at their leisure time. Some remarkable are Ansar Camp, Saw mill (wood market), Store house of Jute (built in British period) and a rice mill belonging a large brick made platform.
Every year in a certain time a large number of people gather around this place to watch traditional boat race ( নৌকা বাইচ) in live and during the vacation of Eid people move there with their friends & family to enjoy a charming view of Meghna River Branch.