Sapchari, Lakshmichhari and Touduchhari waterfall are the natural waterfall at Khagrachhari Hill Tracts which has natural beauty. This beauty can serve all tourists satisfactions.This natural waterfall stands 7km south from Parjatan Motel and also 2km south from Alutila and also 1.5 km east from the main road of Khagrachhari Hill Tracts.
For reaching that waterfall you have to journey by bus or chander gari and then walk up to waterfall place. If you like natural waterfall then come to Khagrachhari and watch Sapchari, Lakshmichhari and Touduchhori waterfall at Khagrachhari Hill Tract and Enjoy as like as yourself. Touduchhori contains wild elephants roaming around in groups which you can also watch if you are lucky enough.
Khagrachhari hill district (east-southern region of Bangladesh) is full of hills and waterfalls. The people of hilly areas usually live on the top of the hills. The major problem for them is the crisis of drinking water on such height.
The people in the hill areas are still deprived and don’t have the civil facilities such as sanitation, proper education and economy.
Sapchari waterfall is situated in Khagrachari Hill district and about 115 km north from Chittagong town. The waterfall is near to the sapchari village and is emerged out Alutila Hill Range situated by the Chengi River.
One may go to Khagrachhari by bus from chittagong city. From Khagrachhari bus terminal using rickshaw or some other means, s/he may reach at Khabangpujjya. Then across the Chengi river the Sapchari village is situated. In the south of the Sapchari village the Sapchari waterfall is located. The landscape is very charismatic and the whole view of Khagrachhari town can be observed from the top of the waterfall.
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[name] => Sijuk Waterfall 1
[post_id] => 22355
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[post_content] => Sijuk Waterfall 1 is located in Rangamati District, but if you decide to have a trip to Sijuk Waterfall (সিজুক ঝরনা), you can form a group comprises couple of ebullient members from Khagrachhari. You may expect poor road condition and other hectic factors. If you start your journey after a quick breakfast from Khagrachhari town, you can start for Dighinala (দীঘিনালা) by using CNG auto rickshaw. It actually costs 500 taka, but you can bargain to manage at best 450 taka.
It would be advisable to contact a tour guide for directions. During the journey, you can enjoy the exquisite beauty beside the road from the vehicle. If you start your journey at 8:00 am, then you can expect to reach Dighinala at 10:00 am morning.
We can reach Nondoram (নন্দরাম) village by 11:00 at morning through bike. The village is beside the river Kasalong (কাসালং). This village is actually located at the Sajek union of Rangamati (সাজেক, রাঙামাটি). Before this village, an Army camp is located on the way. Travelers must entry their names to that camp. You can have tea in that village and then start your trekking again through the hillocks of Rangamati.
Some tribal people pronounce Sijuk canal as Shishuk khal (শিশুক খাল). The canal is formed after joining two mighty streams. The two waterfalls are located at those two streams. You can explore the left side stream first (furthest) and the right side (nearest) stream later.
The level of the water depends on the season, but you can expect to face around an average height of 3-4 ft. But at some points the water level is near 6 ft. Also the canal is totally covered with dark forest.
As the depth of the water is very high, the flow of the water is less. Lot of rotten leafs are available on the water. At some places, the mud under the water produce gasses with bad odors with bubbles when pressed by feet.
The more you progress, the more you welcome the Hati Poka (হাতি পোকা).Those microscopic insect bite can cause lots of pain. Wasps and scary looking mosquitoes are there too. To add these misery, you may find some leafs stinging. A soft brushing those leafs with arms cause you inflammation.
After passing through such hideous, you may finally reach near to the waterfall. We can hear the roaring sound of the waterfall but may not see that. That portion of the Jhiri (ঝিরি) is covered with large rocks. All of the rocks are covered with mosses and ferns. Those are the best hideout for snakes and other reptiles. Also crossing those stones are not easy.
After jumping and bumping through rocks, you can finally reach in front of the Sijuk waterfall. It is having mighty water flow. Shorter and mightier than other one.
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[name] => {:en}Chhoto Darogar Hat Waterfall{:}{:bn}ছোট দারোগার হাট ঝর্ণা{:}
[post_id] => 6807
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This waterfall is known as Chhoto Darogar Hat Waterfall (ছোট দারোগার হাট ঝরনা), also known as Shohosro Dhara Waterfall-2 (সহস্র ধারা ঝরনা-২) as an irrigation project (the same name) was built using the water from the falls. Shohosro Dhara Waterfall-1 (সহস্র ধারা ঝরনা-১) is located inside the Sitakunda সীতাকুন্ড) Echo Park.
It is very easy village path for trekking and having lot of trees at both sides for the shades. It is around half an hour of walking to reach near a water dam named Shohosro Dhara (সহস্র ধারা) Irrigation Project. It uses to barrier the water from the waterfall.
The waterfall was very near from the irrigation project dam. You may not find the path to visit the top of the waterfall. You may find a view of another waterfall from that road and according to the local people, it may be very tough to access.
It is basically a tall but slim waterfall having very less amount of water during any season. It use to have water in a large amount (but not violent) only during the rainy days. As soon as the rain is gone, the waterfall starts to get less flow of water.
ছোট দারোগার হাট ঝর্ণাটি সহস্র ধারা ঝরনা-২ নামেও পরিচিত। এই ঝর্ণার পানি একটি সেচ প্রকল্পে ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে। সহস্র ধারা-১ ঝর্ণাটি সীতাকুণ্ড ইকো পার্কের অভ্যন্তরে অবস্থিত।
এই ঝর্ণায় পৌঁছানোর পথে আশেপাশে প্রচুর গাছ থাকায় ছায়ার মধ্যে দিয়ে আপনি সহজেই পায়ে হেঁটে এখানে আসতে পারবেন। সহস্র ধারা সেচ প্রকল্পের বাঁধের কাছে পায়ে হেঁটে পৌছাতে প্রায় আধ ঘণ্টা সময় লাগবে আপনার। ঝর্ণার পানি আটকে রাখতে এই বাঁধটি ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে।
সেচ প্রকল্পের বাঁধের খুব কাছেই এই ঝর্ণাটি অবস্থিত। তবে, ঝর্ণার উপরে পৌছানো আপনার পক্ষে সম্ভব নাও হতে পারে। তবে এই ঝর্ণার কাছে যাওয়ার পথে আপনার অন্য একটি ঝর্ণার দেখা মিলতে পারে। স্থানীয়দের মতে ঐ ঝর্ণার কাছে পৌঁছানো মোটেও সহজ হবে না।
ছোট দারোগার হাট ঝর্ণাটি মূলত একটি চিকন এবং লম্বা ঝর্ণা। এই ঝর্ণায় কোন মৌসুমেই পানি প্রবাহ খুব একটা দেখা যায় না। শুধুমাত্র বর্ষাকালে এই ঝর্ণার পানির প্রবাহ কিছুটা বেড়ে যায়। তবে, বর্ষাকাল শেষ হওয়া মাত্রই ঝর্ণায় পানির প্রবাহ আবারো কমে যায়।
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[name] => {:en}Shoilo Propat{:}{:bn}শৈলপ্রপাত{:}
[post_id] => 1035
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The waterfall named Shoilo Propat at Milanchhari, is 4 km away from the town on the road to Thanchi. Shoilo Propat is one of the most visited natural falls in Bangladesh. During the rainy season the flow of this fall becomes vigorous. The water of this fall is chilly and transparent. Near the Shoilo Propat 2-3 villages have grown up for the availability of water. It is a good source for drinking water and household use for the local community. There is a small market near the Shoilo Propat for trading local people’s handicrafts, hand loom products and food. You can closely see the struggling lifestyle of this regions community.
বান্দরবান শহর থেকে ৪ কিলোমিটার দূরে থানচিমুখী সড়কে শৈলপ্রপাত নামক এই ঝর্ণাটি অবস্থিত। বাংলাদেশের প্রাকৃতিক ঝর্ণাগুলোর মধ্যে শৈলপ্রপাত অন্যতম যেটি দেখতে প্রচুর পর্যটক এসে থাকে। বর্ষাকালে এই ঝর্ণায় পানির প্রবাহ তীব্র আকার ধারন করে। শৈলপ্রপাতের পানি স্বচ্ছ এবং ঠাণ্ডা। এই ঝর্ণার পানি ব্যবহার করতে পারার কারনে শৈলপ্রপাতের কাছে কয়েকটি গ্রাম গড়ে উঠেছে। স্থানীয়রা এই ঝর্ণার পানি পান করা এবং গৃহস্থলীর কাজে ব্যবহার করে। স্থানীয়দের তৈরি হস্তশিল্প সামগ্রী, হাতে তৈরি পোশাক এবং বিভিন্ন খাদ্য বাজারজাতকরনের জন্য শৈলপ্রপাতের কাছে একটি ছোট বাজার গড়ে উঠেছে।
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[name] => {:en}Richhang Waterfall{:}{:bn}রিছাং/রিসাং/টেরাংটইকালাই ঝর্ণা{:}
[post_id] => 1123
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Richhang is another natural waterfall and one of the most attractive tourist destinations in Khagrachhari District of Bangladesh. Not so wide and not as great as Jadepai or Nafakhum, but this beautiful waterfall successfully surprised the domestic and foreign travelers with its intrinsic natural beauty.