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[name] => Upendra Sorobor
[post_id] => 8868
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Upendra Sorobor (উপেন্দ্র সরোবর) is a rectangular shaped large pond that is located at the Nagarpur of Tagnail District. In English, the word 'Sorobor' means a lake. It was dug by the famous Zamindar of Nagarpur during 1381 of Bengali calendar, which is around 80 years from now. During that time the villagers needed to go far away from the home to collect water (for drinking and household works). To ease their water crisis, the generous Zamindar took initiative to dig this large water tank.
This large pond has in total 12 ghats for taking baths. The Western side's one is the biggest one and it has a false gate on there. It also has a medium sized Banyan tree on there. Lot of local visitors use to gather here during the afternoon and they use to sit under that tree.
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[name] => Ramsagar lake and Ramsagar National Park
[post_id] => 2065
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Ramsagar is a largest man made lake of Bangladesh situated in the village Tejpur eight kilometer south of the Dinajpur town. The lake wide is about 1079 m north-south and length 192.6 m in East-West. Ramsagar was stablished in the mid-1750s by Raja Ram Nath. About 1.5 million worker took part to dig the lake and total cost is 30000 TK that time.
The total area of Ramsagar National Park about 60 square km. Forest Department of Bangladesh have planted different type of ornamental and fruit trees that have flourished and become forested areas. Around the Ramsagar it is a familiar picnic place for tourists. The Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation has improve some tourist facilities around the Ramsagar Lake, such as rest-rooms, picnic spots and kiosks to sell refreshments, as well as playgrounds for children to enjoy.
The lake is full of different type of fishes. There have some fresh water crocodiles. In national park there has some animals such as Deer, Wild Boar, Blue Bull, Sloth Bear and Hyena. There some birds such as White-Breasted Water Hen, Jacanas, Moorhen, River Tern, Sand Piper, Ringed Plover and Grey and Purple Herons are seen. Moreover, the lake is a safe place for migratory birds.
Whatever it is a place which is full of natural beauty. So government should give more concentration about the National park.
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[name] => Chalan Beel
[post_id] => 3052
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Chalan Beel (Bengali: চলনবিল) is a wetland in Bangladesh. It is a large inland depression, marshy in character, with rich flora and fauna. Forty-seven rivers and other waterways flow into the Chalan Beel. As silt builds up in the beel, its size is being reduced.
Chalan Beel is an extensive lowland area in the lower Atrai basin, and spreads across Singra and Gurudaspur upazilas on Natore District, Chatmohar, Bhangura and Faridpur upazilas of Pabna District, and Ullahpara, Raiganj and Tarash upazilas of Sirajganj District. It consists of a series of beels connected to one another by various channels to form a continuous water body during the rainy season. Although the beel area expands into a vast water body with dense aquatic vegetation as long as the Jamuna remains flooded during the monsoon months, it dries out in the winter months, leaving only patches of water in the central parts of this zone.
Chalan Beel is fast silting up. In the past it covered an area of about 1,085 km² but was reduced to 368 km² in 1909, of which only 85 km² remained underwater throughout the year. It has since shrunk to only 26 km².
The most important factor dominating the river history in Bengal is the large proportion of silt carried by its rivers. It is the silt which has created the land and made it habitable by building it up through the centuries. It is silt which is fertilising the land, but the silt, which has been the most beneficial gift of nature, has also produced most of the river problems now confronting the people of Bengal. Silt deposited in the old river channel beds has forced them to change course, creating problems for abandoned areas while assisting in developing new areas.
The main volume of water from the Ganges River began flowing through the Padma channel in the sixteenth century. Silt from the Padma helped in building up the southern portion of north Bengal. This is the most plausible explanation for the existence of a depression around Chalan Beel. The Teesta was active in the region until it changed its course in 1787. This territory lies in between the land raised in the north by the Teesta system when it was active and that in the south by the Padma.
However, there is another explanation for the creation of the depression. The Padma has been changing its course over the centuries. In Ven den Brouck's map of Bengal, prepared in 1660, the main channel of the Padma is shown as flowing through Faridpur-Bakharganj, but there also is a suggestion of another, possibly earlier channel. This channel runs through Rampur Boalia in Rajshahi, Chalan Beel, Dhaleswari and Buriganga before meeting the Meghna. At that time the Jamunawas virtually non-existent and the Brahmaputra used to flow through its old channel.
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[name] => {:en}Pocha Dighi and Ghora Dighi{:}{:bn}পচাদীঘি এবং ঘোড়াদীঘি{:}
[post_id] => 1567
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[post_content] => {:en}
Pocha Dighi and Ghora Dighi have own historical and religious significance toward the villagers. The crocodiles in the pond never will harm you even if you touch them. Here many people used to come every day in a way to make their wish fulfilled. As a result many gifts were given by them. The belief of them is high with that. So many wish have already been fulfilled. There used be a fair in almost every day. Different types of local items can be found here to shop.
[This spot needs more detail. If you have more information and photos, please be advised to add in our website. Your name will be published as a Content Contributor]
{:}{:bn}স্থানীয় গ্রামবাসীদের কাছে এই পচাদীঘি এবং ঘোড়াদীঘি দুটোরই ধর্মীয় এবং ঐতিহাসিক তাৎপর্য রয়েছে। এই দীঘির কুমিরগুলোকে স্পর্শ করলেও এগুলো আপনার ক্ষতি করবে না। এখানে প্রতিদিন অনেক মানুষ আসেন তাদের ইচ্ছা পূরণের জন্য এবং সেজন্য তারা অনেক উপহারও প্রদান করেন। ইচ্ছাপূরণের ব্যাপারে এখানে আগতদের বিশ্বাস এতটাই দৃঢ় যে তাদের অনেকের ইচ্ছা ইতিমধ্যেই পূর্ণ হয়েছে। প্রায় প্রতিদিনই এখানে মেলা বসে যেখানে অনেক কিছু পাওয়া যায়।{:}