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[name] => {:en}Sripur{:}{:bn}শ্রীপুর{:}
[post_id] => 4220
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Sripur is another beautiful tourist spot where you can see the waterfall with great tide falling from the hills. Besides the enchanting views of the area, one can also have a glimpse of the waterfalls across the border of India. Very Big stones sometimes are coming in this waterfall in Sripur. After completion of visiting Jaflong and Tamabil you must visit Sripur on the way to go back to Sylhet. It's only 7-8 km from Jaflong on the same road to Sylhet a sub road entered into Sripur waterfall. Here you can see the stone collection and orange garden if you go inside Sripur crossing the hills.
An alluring tourist spot where a traveler can see waterfall. Other than the waterfall, you can also enjoy the pleasant view of the area. A lot of huge sized stones can be found from the waterfall in Sripur. Here you can see the stone collection and orange garden if you go inside Sripur crossing the hills.
শ্রীপুর এমন একটি সুন্দর পর্যটন কেন্দ্র যেখানে আসলে আপনি পাহাড় থেকে নেমে আসা জলধারা দেখতে পাবেন। এখানকার নজরকাড়া প্রাকৃতিক সৌন্দর্যের পাশাপাশি আপনি সীমান্তের ওপারে ভারতীয় ভূখণ্ডে অবস্থিত পাহাড়ি ঝর্ণাগুলোও দেখত পাবেন। শ্রীপুরের জলধারায় কখনো কখনো বিশাল পাথর ভেসে আসে। জাফলং ও তামাবিলে ঘুরে সিলেটে ফেরার সময় আপনি অবশ্যই শ্রীপুর হয়ে যাবেন কেননা জাফলং থেকে শ্রীপুরের দূরত্ব মাত্র ৭-৮ কিলোমিটার এবং এ স্থানটি জাফলং-সিলেট সড়কের পাশেই অবস্থিত। পাহাড় অতিক্রম করে শ্রীপুরের অভ্যন্তরে ঢুকলে আপনি পাথরের সংগ্রহের পাশাপাশি কমলার বাগানও দেখতে পাবেন।
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[name] => Amiakhum Waterfall
[post_id] => 990
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Amiakhum Waterfall is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Bangladesh and an excellent place to travel. Every traveler should have a tour plan to visit this beautiful tourism spot of Bandarban at least once and then they will feel to visit that travel spot again and again. Amiyakhum is situated at a remote area called Tindu of Thanchi upazilla under Bandarban Hill District in Bangladesh. It’s near to Bangladesh Myanmar Border. This waterfall is situated in one of the most remote areas in Bandarban.
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[name] => Sijuk Waterfall 1
[post_id] => 22355
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[post_content] => Sijuk Waterfall 1 is located in Rangamati District, but if you decide to have a trip to Sijuk Waterfall (সিজুক ঝরনা), you can form a group comprises couple of ebullient members from Khagrachhari. You may expect poor road condition and other hectic factors. If you start your journey after a quick breakfast from Khagrachhari town, you can start for Dighinala (দীঘিনালা) by using CNG auto rickshaw. It actually costs 500 taka, but you can bargain to manage at best 450 taka.
It would be advisable to contact a tour guide for directions. During the journey, you can enjoy the exquisite beauty beside the road from the vehicle. If you start your journey at 8:00 am, then you can expect to reach Dighinala at 10:00 am morning.
We can reach Nondoram (নন্দরাম) village by 11:00 at morning through bike. The village is beside the river Kasalong (কাসালং). This village is actually located at the Sajek union of Rangamati (সাজেক, রাঙামাটি). Before this village, an Army camp is located on the way. Travelers must entry their names to that camp. You can have tea in that village and then start your trekking again through the hillocks of Rangamati.
Some tribal people pronounce Sijuk canal as Shishuk khal (শিশুক খাল). The canal is formed after joining two mighty streams. The two waterfalls are located at those two streams. You can explore the left side stream first (furthest) and the right side (nearest) stream later.
The level of the water depends on the season, but you can expect to face around an average height of 3-4 ft. But at some points the water level is near 6 ft. Also the canal is totally covered with dark forest.
As the depth of the water is very high, the flow of the water is less. Lot of rotten leafs are available on the water. At some places, the mud under the water produce gasses with bad odors with bubbles when pressed by feet.
The more you progress, the more you welcome the Hati Poka (হাতি পোকা).Those microscopic insect bite can cause lots of pain. Wasps and scary looking mosquitoes are there too. To add these misery, you may find some leafs stinging. A soft brushing those leafs with arms cause you inflammation.
After passing through such hideous, you may finally reach near to the waterfall. We can hear the roaring sound of the waterfall but may not see that. That portion of the Jhiri (ঝিরি) is covered with large rocks. All of the rocks are covered with mosses and ferns. Those are the best hideout for snakes and other reptiles. Also crossing those stones are not easy.
After jumping and bumping through rocks, you can finally reach in front of the Sijuk waterfall. It is having mighty water flow. Shorter and mightier than other one.
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[name] => {:en}Porikunda Waterfall{:}{:bn}পরিকুণ্ড ঝর্ণা{:}
[post_id] => 4010
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[post_content] => {:en}
In Bangladesh, most of the people used to visit Porikunda Waterfall during the dry season, and they found this is of much interesting place for visiting. Few people know about Porikunda Waterfall. However, those who already have visited the Madhabkunda waterfall and still do not know that there is another waterfall inside the "Madhabkunda Echo Park". Porikunda falls is just before the Madhabkunda falls.
However, it is inside in the Eco Park towards the Madhabkunda falls, which is why people do not get it. During dry season, this falls used to keep dormant which can be another reason and it is only alive during Monsoon. Although the height is around 150 meter, Porikunda falls looks much taller because of gradual steepness from bottom to top. The depth of water is not that much great, but it used to spread its water over the stones when falling down.
If you find it difficult to locate the Porikunda falls, just ask someone who works inside the echo park. They will show you the path. You have to walk through the infertile path over the stream of the waterfalls. Also you cannot skip to get your dresses are wet. Finally be careful, because any moment you can get slipped, and get yourself hurt.
Some people think, this waterfall is more beautiful from the main one, the Madhabkunda falls for its silence (except drops of water). People don't used to come there (because they don't know). No chaos from the other tourists (which is available near the Madhabkunda falls). Porikunda falls is much taller, and the amount of water is not that much great, but it used to spread its water over the stones when falling down. And that just gave an outstanding beauty to the waterfalls.
{:}{:bn}পরিকুণ্ড ঝর্ণা মৌলভীবাজার জেলার বড়লেখা উপজেলায় মাধবকুণ্ড জলপ্রপাতের নিকটে অবস্থিত। যারা ইতিমধ্যেই মাধবকুণ্ডের জলপ্রপাত দেখতে গিয়েছেন তাদের অনেকেরই জানা নেই যে মাধবকুণ্ড ইকো পার্কের অভ্যন্তরে আরেকটি ঝর্ণা রয়েছে। মাধবকুণ্ড জলপ্রপাতের ঠিক আগেই অবস্থিত পরিকুণ্ড ঝর্ণাটি তাই অনেকের কাছেই অচেনা। বর্ষাকাল ছাড়া অন্যান্য মৌসুমে এই ঝর্ণাটি শুকিয়ে যায়।
পরিকুণ্ড ঝর্ণা খুঁজে পেতে অসুবিধা হলে পার্কের অভ্যন্তরে কাউকে জিজ্ঞেস করুন, তারাই আপনাকে পথ চিনিয়ে দেবে। এই ঝর্ণায় পৌছাতে হলে আপনাকে প্রবাহিত পানির ওপর দিয়ে অমসৃণ পথে হাঁটতে হবে তাই এসময় আপনার জামা কাপড় ভিজতে বাধ্য। এছাড়া পিচ্ছিল পথে চলার সময় আপনাকে সাবধানে পা ফেলতে হবে অন্যথায় যেকোন মুহূর্তে পিছলে পড়ে আপনি আঘাত পেতে পারেন।
অনেকে মনে করেন যে এখানকার নীরবতার কারনে এই ঝর্ণাটি মাধবকুণ্ডের মূল জলপ্রপাতের চেয়ে বেশি সুন্দর। অজ্ঞতার কারনে এখানে মানুষজন খুব একটা না আশায় এই নীরবতা বজায় থাকে (মাধবকুণ্ডের জলপ্রপাতটি পর্যটকদের ভিড়ে পরিপূর্ণ থাকে)। প্রায় ১৫০ মিটার উঁচু এই ঝর্ণাটি নীচ থেকে উপরে বেশ খাড়া হওয়ায় এটিকে মাধবকুণ্ডের জলপ্রপাতের চাইতে উঁচু মনে হয়। এই ঝর্ণায় পানির পরিমান ও গভীরতা কম হলেও পাথরের ওপর পানি পরার পর অনেক দূর পর্যন্ত ছড়িয়ে যায় আর এ কারনেই এই ঝর্ণার সৌন্দর্য বহুগুন বেড়ে যায়।{:}