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[name] => Mahisantosh Mosque
[post_id] => 5809
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Mahisantosh Mosque located near the India-Bangladesh edge about 13 km northern western of Dhamorihat Thana Sadar in Naogaon place. Mahisantosh, known from Pre-Muslim periods, came to reputation during the guideline of Sultan Ruknuddin Barbak shah (1459-1474) who raised its place to an excellent town and known as it Barbakabad after him. Many traditional hemorrhoids, located in different places of the town, can still be monitored. In 1916 the varendra analysis team conducted a traditional excavation at Mahisantosh in the remains of the Jami Masjid heap. A little element of the mosque was exposed. Very lately individuals, after removing weeds, vegetation and junk of the Jami Masjid heap have developed up a new chauchala tin shade kacha creating on the old ranking of the mosque to perform Sunday desires. From the present remains it is still possible to recover the exclusive design of the mosque.
The 2.25m large materials of the rectangle-shaped mosque (24m X 16.20m externally) with semi-octagonal place techniques at the four aspects were designed of rock and bricks; the main was designed of rocks and the inner and external activities were secured with rock places. The top aspect act was provided with five (arched) doorways. Most probably the main one was larger than the flanking ones. There were three (arched) areas each on the south east aspect of and southern region aspects.
The inner of the mosque (19.50m X 11.70m) was divided by two selections of rock assistance supports, each having four assistance supports. Each main was status on an office rock foundation. The foundation of each main was divided into three sections: the decreased place, about 0.40m, was rectangle-shaped shape with pie design on its face; the middle element, about 1.55m, was decagonal with pattern and gong components and the greater element, about 0.96m, was polygonal (16 sided) with pattern and gong components and suspended pearl-string of 50% team design.
The main nave of the mosque, larger than the element ones, had three rectangle-shaped places and was perhaps secured over by Persia chauchala bins. Hemispherical domes, 12 in all, might have secured the element chicken wings. Thus the ceiling top program was almost just like that of the shatgumbad mosque at Bagerhat (1459 AD).
There are five mihrabs in the Qibla materials invert the top side aspect possibilities. The main mihrab, a little bit larger than the element ones, was removed from here and is now managed in the varendra analysis collection. Originally it was designed from 1 product of rock with amazing eye-catching schemes; pattern and gong, lotus and palmetto are its main ingredients. The extant mihrab at the southern region end also contains amazing developed design. It seems to have been designed of three places of rock. The main element of the mihrab industry is developed with attractive pattern and gong art work. On the element of the pattern is suspended a hand crafted series. A complete bloomed lotus weighs from the end of the pattern. The sidepieces of the rock places have geometric styles in round and rectangle-shaped shape types. The rosettes in the top and platform increase the beauty of the mihrab. It may be described here that the pattern and gong design, a very familiar eye-catching program, is also seen in mosques like darasbari, chhota sona and kusumba.
Stone-blocks calming propagate in and around the mosque involved eye-catching components on their activities. These developed stone-blocks indicate that the external outside of the materials of the mosque may have been developed with rock styles. The attractive devices are mostly geometric in design with flowery styles, palmette, nailheads, pie styles, look for components, pattern and gong components and suspended 50 % round jewelry. Some developed clay-based rocks were also exposed at a lot of period of removing junk. These clay-based rocks might have been used on the inner encounter of the drums equipment of the domes. Similar eye-catching program is seen in other mosques e.g., Darasabari, Chhota Sona and Kusumba.
When the Varendra Research Community conducted excavation on the website they discovered an epigraph product. It authorized the growth of a mosque during the guideline of Alauddin Husain shah in 912 AH/1506 AD. Very lately, another epigraph product was exposed at a lot of period of removing junk from the mosque. Currently it is calming before aspect of the lately designed kacha mosque creating. The epigraph contains two selections of writing and is developed on dark-colored basalt rock. It keep in mind the development of a mosque in a lot of period of Sultan Ruknuddin Barbak Shah by Ulugh Khan Hasan in the 867 AH/1463 AD.
Growth of these two individual from the same ruinous mosque improves some issues about the period of your energy and energy of growth of the mosque. Was the mosque developed in a lot of period of Sultan Barbak Shah or during a lot of period of Alauddin Husain Shah? Was it developed in a lot of period of Barbak Shah and therefore redesigned (or reconstructed) during the guideline of Alauddin Husain Shah? Or, was one of these two individual collected from outside and kept in the mosque when the mosque was in an amazing condition of preservation? It is not possible to figure out any of the above possibilities. It is, however, quite likely that the mosque was developed during the guideline of Sultan Barbak Shah in 867 AH (1463 AD) and knowledgeable a renovating during a lot of period of Sultan Alauddin Husain Shah in 912 AH (1506 AD).
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[name] => Chamchika Mosque
[post_id] => 3617
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Chamchika Mosque is a very old and beautiful mosque which was made by copying chamchika mosque in India. This is near the Khania dighi, also called Khania Dighi Masjid. Chamchika Mosque is located in Shahabazpur Upazila of Chapai Nawabganj.
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[name] => {:en}Nine Dome Mosque{:}{:bn}নয় গম্বুজ মসজিদ{:}
[post_id] => 1532
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Nine Dome Mosque is now a protected monument of the Department of Archaeology, Bangladesh. There are 3 pointed arched openings on the north, south and east sides adjoined within tall rectangular frames. The western wall is relieved with three semicircular mihrabs of which the central one is larger and is projected to the west.
The decorations of the multi-cusped mihrabs contains terracotta floral, scroll and foliage patterns within rectangular panels. Each Mihrabs center is decorated with chain and bell motif. Apexes of the arches have diaper designs and large rosettes at the spandrels. Rest three walls are relieved with only two niches in each.
The corner towers are round and are surfaced by eight bands of moldings. The exterior walls are eased with vertical panels. The curved cornice is very prominent.
খান জাহান আলীর মাজারের অর্ধেক কিলোমিটারেরও কম দূরত্বে ঠাকুরদীঘির পশ্চিম তীরে নয় গম্বুজ মসজিদ অবস্থিত। এই মসজিদটি বর্তমানে বাংলাদেশের প্রত্নতাত্ত্বিক অধিদফতরের অধীনে একটি সংরক্ষিত নিদর্শন। মসজিদটির উত্তর, দক্ষিন এবং পূর্বদিকে লম্বা আয়াতক্ষেত্রাকার কাঠামোর মধ্যে তিনটি ধনুকআকারের ফটক রয়েছে। নয়গম্বুজবিশিষ্ট মসজিদের পশ্চিম দিকের দেয়ালে তিনটি অর্ধ গোলাকার মিহরাব রয়েছে যেগুলোর মধ্যে মাঝখানের মিহরাবটি বড় এবং পশ্চিমদিকে হেলানো। খাঁজকাটা মিহরাবগুলোতে টেরাকোটার উপর আয়াতক্ষেত্রাকার কাঠামোর মধ্যে ফুল ও পাতার নকশা রয়েছে এবং মিহরাবের মাঝখানে শিকল ও ঘণ্টার নকশা রয়েছে। মসজিদের খিলানের শীর্ষে বুটির নকশা এবং খিলান, ছাদ ও দেয়ালের মধ্যবর্তী স্থানে গোলাপের নকশা রয়েছে। নয়গম্বুজবিশিষ্ট মসজিদের অবশিষ্ট তিনটি দেয়ালের প্রতিটিতে দুটি করে খিলান রয়েছে। মসজিদটির কোণায় অবস্থিত টাওয়ারগুলো গোলাকার এবং এগুলোতে আট স্তরের ঢালাই রয়েছে।
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[name] => Hazrat Sayed Shah Rasti (R) Mazar & Mosque
[post_id] => 5151
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Hazrat Sayed Shah Rasti (R.A) is a celebrated Sufi Muslim figure in Bengal. Shah Rasti's name is associated with the Muslim movement into north-eastern Bengal and the spread of Islam in Bangladesh. He spread Islam in Bangladesh through Sufism, part of the long history of travel between the Middle East, Central Asia, Indian Subcontinent and East Asia. He was buried in Chandpur, Bangladesh, formerly known as Shahrasti, while the Thana, post office, Upazila, and School are named in his honor.
Early life and education: Shahrast's date and place of birth is not certain. He was Born in Mecca, Arab and later moved to Bagdad, Iraq as a child with his family. He excelled in his studies a studied in Islamic study and Islamic theology. He achieved spiritual perfection (Kamaliyyah) after years of study and meditation.
Travel to India: According to legend, He came in India with a group of Muslim saints. All saints had a handful of soil, they had to choose to settle and propagate Islam in any place in India where the soil exactly matched. Shahrasti reached India in c.1300. He matched the soil with the soil of Camilla and stayed on a hill. But the place was wrong. After that, a tiger came to him to the right place where the soil exactly matched that later life.
During the later stages of his life, Shahrasti devoted himself propagating Islam. Under His guidance, thousands of Hindus and Buddhists converted to Islam. His brother Sayed Shah Mahbub and two companions were with him. He was unmarried; his Brother Shah Mahbub’s son Sayed Shah Giasuddin was his successor and descendant. His descendants are still living in beside the Dargah. He is buried in Chandpur in his Dargah (Tomb), which is located in Shahrasti, the area is named in his honor. His shrine is famous in Chandpur and throughout Bangladesh, with hundreds of devotes visiting daily.