Tomb of Khan Jahan

Type: Shrine
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Tomb of Khan Jahan stands on a high artificial mound, as mainly known as the Dargah complex of Khan Jahan. The complex consists of the square tomb building of Khan Jahan himself; a case of Muhammad Tahir, his diwan; a single-domed mosque and the so-called kitchen. It measures as 13.7 meters height and 9.1 meters width. The four exterior angles of the building are maintained with solid circular towers. There are four walls which have a thickness of 2.4 meter, have stone casings up to the height of about 0.9 meter for preventing the building from ground moisture. The ground moisture is common in the humid climate of south Bengal. It is located on the northern bank of the so-called Thakur dighi and is surrounded by an outer wall of 67.1 meter from east to west and 64.7 meter from north to south.

It was a rectangular structure of 12.2m by 8.5m with circular towers on the exterior angles. What the building was actually intended for, is unknown. A local tradition relates that in the last years of his life Khan Jahan dwelt in the building, where he now buried, and used the adjacent building as his kitchen. About a century ago, the building was known to have been used for the same purpose by two Faqirs, who then looked after the mosque and the tomb.

How to go

It is located on the northern bank of the so-called Thakur dighi. After reaching Bagerhat, take local transport to reach this historical place.

How To Reach: Bagerhat district

Bagerhat District is linked with Dhaka and other districts by road and Water. You can use any of those.

Many bus services are available from Dhaka to Bagerhat. Some of them are listed below for your assistance:

1. Meghna Paribahan
Sayedabad Terminal
Contact: 0171717388553
Fare: TK 350 (Approx.)

2. Shakura Paribahan
Gabtoli Terminal
Contact: 01711010450
Fare: TK 500 (Approx.)

3. Porjotok Paribahan
Sayadabad Terminal
Contact: 01711131078
Fare: TK 350 (Approx.)

4. Shohag Paribahan
Gabtoli Terminal
Contact: 01718679302
Fare: TK 380 (Approx.)

Every day, from 5pm to 7pm, three Launches and one streamer, drives from Dhaka Sadarghat to Hularhat in Pirojpur by turns. Once you reach Hularhat, you have to take a road transport, preferably a local bus or private car, which will drive you by Pirojpur to Bagerhat. Some of the launch services from Sadarghat, Dhaka to Hularhat, Pirojpur are listed below:

1. Al-Khaladi
2. Parbot
3. Farhana
4. Tipu

Starting time: 5pm
Reaching time: 9am

Regular: TK 180
Cabin Single: TK 500
Cabin Double: TK 800

Presently, there are no flight services from Dhaka to Bagerhat. However, an airport in Bagerhat is currently under construction and therefore, Flights from Dhaka to Bagerhat may be available in the near future.

Where to Stay

There are only a very few hotels in Bagerhat where you may consider staying in. Our recommendation is:

1. Momtaz Hotel
Area: Rail road Bagerhat
It has simple accommodation with limited facilities and moderately good service. However, the place is costly. There are few more comparable hotels nearby the same area.

2. Hotel Jalico
Jalil Tower 77, Lower Jessore Road, Khulna-9100,
Phone: +880-41-283962, 811883, 810933, 725912
Mobile: +880-175-743477
Fax: +880-41-724048

3. Hotel Al-Prince And Bar
Mongla Port, Bagerhat, khulna, Bangladesh
Phone 88-04658-482

Things to do

There is Khan Jahan Ali’s Tank which a lake-like tank in front of Khan Jahan Ali’s tomb Complex. Several crocodiles exist inside the tank. The species of those are marsh crocodile. People believe that if they satisfy the hunger of these crocodiles with chicken or goats, they would have their hearts desire fulfilled.

Whenever anybody makes such an offering, the caretaker of the tomb complex, or mazar, calls out the crocodiles, shouting ‘Kalapahar, Dhalapahar, come!’ Within a few minutes the crocodiles make their appearance and swallow the offerings. Only three individuals of marsh crocodile, a male and a female are in a semi-captive condition at Khan Jahan Ali (R) shrine pond or tank at Bagerhat.

Eating Facilities

A few roadside restaurants and small food stalls are available to serve tea, snacks and local foods but they are not likely to meet your expectation in terms of quality and service. You need to look for restaurants to have food.

Travel Tips


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