Where to Stay
There are more than 71 quality hotel in Dhaka. Some are listed below…
1. Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel, Dhaka
107 , Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Tel: +880 2 811 1005
Website : Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel, Dhaka
2. Ruposhi Bangla Hotel
1 Minto Road, Shahbagh, Dhaka,
Phone : 88-02-8330001
Fax : 88-02-8312975
Email : sales@ruposhibanglahotel.com
Website : Ruposhi Bangla Hotel
3. Radisson Water Garden Hotel, Dhaka
Airport Road, Dhaka Cantonment,
Dhaka 1206 Bangladesh.
Telephone: + 88 02 8754555
Fax: + 88 02 8754554 , + 88 02 8754504
Email : reservations.dhaka[at]radisson.com
Website : Radisson Water Garden Hotel
Dhaka Bangladesh
4. Dhaka Regency Hotel & Resort
Airport Road, Nikunja 2
Dhaka 1229, Bangladesh.
Phone : +88-02-8913912, +880 2 8900250-9
Fax : +88-02-8911479
Email : info@dhakaregency.com
Website : www.dhakaregency.com
5. Best Western La Vinci Hotel, Dhaka
54, Kawran Bazar,
Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh
Phone No : 880-2-9119352
Fax No : 880-2-9131218
E-mail : lavinci[at]bol-online.com ,
Web : www.lavincihotel.com
6. The Westin Hotel
Main Gulshan Avenue,
Plot-01, Road 45, Gulshan-2
Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Phone : 88-02-9891988
7. Royal Park Residence Hotel
House no. 85, Road no. 25A
Block – A, Banani,
Dhaka 1213 Bangladesh.
Telephone: + 88 02 8815945/46
Fax: + 88 02 8815299
Email : hotelinfo[at]royalparkbd.com
Website : Royal Park Residence Hotel
8. Bengal Inn
House # 07, Road # 16,
Gulshan – 01
Dhaka 1212 Bangladesh.
Tel: +880 2 98880236, 9880610
Fax: +880 2 9880274
Email : info[at]bengalinn.com
Website : www.bengalinn.com
9. Hotel Sarina Dhaka
Plot #27, Road #17
Banani C/A,
Dhaka 1213 Bangladesh.
Tel: +880 2 8859604 -10, 8851040 -2, 8851011-4
Fax: +880 2 988-9989
Email : sales[at]sarinahotel.com, reservations[at]sarinahotel.com
Website : www.sarinahotel.com
[0] => Array
[name] => {:en}Parulia Mosque{:}{:bn}পারুলিয়া মসজিদ{:}
[post_id] => 4137
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/parulia-mosque/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/DSCN1052-300x225.jpg
[post_content] => {:en}
Parulia Mosque,According to a Persy inscription attached in the main gateway of the mosque; Bibi Jainab, a daughter of Nasir shah and wife of Diwan Sharif, built this mosque in 1126 AH/ 1714 AD. Internally,it is 18.29m in long, 5.18m wide and the wall of the mosque is 1.52m thick. Two lateral arches divided the interior of the mosque into three square sections. Three domes cover the roof of these three sections. The domes are crowned with lotus and kalasa finials. There are banded octagonal corner towers at four corners of the mosque. It was an exception that all the corner towers reached up to the cornice. In the Mughal style corner towers generally reach above the cornice.
There are five archways in the mosque, three at the eastern wall and one each at northern and southern walls. The central archway is bigger than the other four which are all in same size and shape. The upper portion of the outer side of the main gateway is under a half-domed roof and is recessed in a rectangular structure. Three mihrabs are at the western wall corresponding to the three archways of the eastern wall. All the mihrabs and the archways are stuck in rectangular structure, which are ornamented with merlons. There are arched niches on both sides of the mihrabs and archways. Archways and mihrabs are marked by their outward projection. Rectangular and square panels decoration are in both sides of the outer face of the archways.
The mosque was partially damaged by earthquakes in 1897 and was renovated later on. There is a square shaped open courtyard in front of the mosque, which is surrounded by a wall not very high. A beautiful gateway is in the eastern side of this wall.
There are two ponds at the northern and southern side of the Mosque which has increased the beauty of Mosque. And it makes the environment of Mosque Premises cool.
There is a one domed square tomb of Diwan Sharif and Bibi Jainab on the western side of the mosque. Every year at some particular month many people of cultural diversity have come here to celebrate a fair (Local term oros). They open so many itinerant shop of snacks and different kinds of toys. People come to pray and wish to have something (Spiritual) which is related with the well being of their life.
নরসিংদী জেলার পলাশ উপজেলার পারুলিয়ায় এই মসজিদটি অবস্থিত। মসজিদের মূল ফটকে রক্ষিত একটি পারস্য শিলালিপি থেকে জানা যায় ১১২৬ হিজরী/১৭১৪ সালে জনৈক নাসির নামক ব্যাক্তির কন্যা এবং দিওয়ান শরীফ নামক ব্যাক্তির স্ত্রী বিবি জয়নাব এই মসজিদটি নির্মাণ করেন। মসজিদটির অভ্যন্তরের দৈর্ঘ্য ১৮.২৯ মিটার, প্রস্থ ৫.১৮ মিটার এবং মসজিদের দেয়ালের ঘনত্ব ১.৫২ মিটার। দুটি ধনুকআকৃতির সমান্তরাল পথের মাধ্যমে মসজিদের অভ্যন্তরকে তিনটি বর্গাকারভাগে ভাগ করা হয়েছে। প্রতিটি ভাগের উপরেই একটি করে গম্বুজ রয়েছে। প্রতিটি গম্বুজে নকশা ও অলংকার খোদাই করা আছে। ব্যাতিক্রম হিসেবে মসজিদের চারকোণায় অষ্টভুজ টাওয়ার রয়েছে যেগুলোর প্রতিটির উচ্চতা কার্নিশ পর্যন্ত। মুঘল স্থাপত্যশৈলীতে কোনার টাওয়ারগুলোর উচ্চতা সাধারণত কার্নিশকে ছাড়িয়ে যায়। মসজিদটির মোট পাঁচটি ধনুকআকৃতির ফটকের মধ্যে পূর্বদিকের দেয়ালে তিনটি, উত্তর ও দক্ষিন দিকের দেয়ালে একটি ফটক রয়েছে। মসজিদের মাঝখানের ফটকটি অন্যান্য ফটকের চেয়ে বড়। মসজিদের মূল ফটকের বাইরের দিকটি উপরিভাগ অর্ধগম্বুজ আকৃতির ছাদের নীচে অবস্থিত যেটি একটি আয়াতক্ষেত্রাকার কাঠামোর উপর নির্মাণ করা হয়েছে। অন্যান্য ফটকগুলো সামান্য নিচু আয়াতক্ষেত্রাকার কাঠামোর উপর নির্মাণ করা হয়েছে। মসজিদের পশ্চিমদিকের দেয়ালে পূর্বদিকের ফটকগুলো বরাবর তিনটি মিহরাব অবস্থিত। সবকটি মিহরাব এবং ধনুকআকৃতির ফটকগুলো অলংকারখচিত আয়াতক্ষেত্রাকার কাঠামোর উপর নির্মাণ করা হয়েছে। মিহরাব এবং ফটকের উভয়দিকেই ধনুকআকৃতির কোটর রয়েছে। ফটকগুলোর বাইরের অংশে বর্গাক্ষেত্রাকার এবং আয়াতক্ষেত্রাকার নকশা রয়েছে। ১৮৯৭ সালের ভুমিকম্পে মসজিদটি আংশিক ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত হলেও পরবর্তীতে মসজিদটি মেরামত করা হয়। মসজিদের সামনের বর্গাক্ষেত্রাকার আঙ্গিনাটি প্রাচীর দিয়ে ঘেরা। তবে প্রাচীরের উচ্চতা খুব বেশি নয় তবে প্রাচীরের পূর্বদিকেএকটি চমৎকার ফটক রয়েছে।পারুলিয়া মসজিদের উত্তর ও দক্ষিণদিকে অবস্থিত দুটি পুকুর মসজিদ অঙ্গনকে ঠাণ্ডা রাখার পাশাপাশি মসজিদের সৌন্দর্য বহুগুনে বৃদ্ধি করেছে।
মসজিদের পশ্চিমে দিওয়ান শরীফ এবং বিবি জয়নাবের এক গম্বুজবিশিষ্ট দরগা অবস্থিত। প্রতিবছর এখানে বছরের একটি নির্দিষ্ট মাসে মেলা (স্থানীয়ভাবে ওরশ বলা হয়) অনুষ্ঠিত হয় যেখানে বিভিন্ন সংস্কৃতির মানুষজন অংশ নিয়ে থাকে। এসময় এখানে বিভিন্ন খাবার ও খেলনা পাওয়া যায়। মানুষ এখানে এসে প্রার্থনা করে এবং নিজেদের জীবনের সমৃদ্ধির জন্য কিছু চেয়ে থাকে।
[1] => Array
[name] => {:en}One Dome Singair Mosque{:}{:bn}এক গম্বুজ সিঙ্গাইর মসজিদ{:}
[post_id] => 1544
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/one-dome-singair-mosque/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/singair-mosque-Bivash-Dutta-300x225.jpg
[post_content] => {:en}
One Dome Singair Mosque was built by Khan Jahan Ali and his followers in 15th-16th century. The mosque has a single square dome. The measure of each side is 39 feet 6 inches. The mosque is made of brick terracotta designs. Its single wide dome is heavily built. In the typical style of the Khan Jahan Ali, the dome topped with a cambered cornice, supported with thick walls.
The Singair Mosque is across the road from the Shait Gumbaz Mosque, Bagherhat on its southeastern side.Singair mosque is part of the mosque town of Bagherhat, built in the 15th and the 16th century by Khan Jahan Ali and his followers. The mosque is located 3 miles west of the Bagherhat town, opposite to the Shait gumbad mosque. The mosque is square, and has a single dome. Each side measures 39 feet 6 inches. The mosque is of red brick construction with terracotta designs. It has a single wide dome which is heavily built. In the typical style of the Khan Jahan Ali, the dome is supported on thick walls and topped with a cambered cornice.
১৫শ এবং ১৬শ শতকে খান জাহান আলী (রঃ) এবং তাঁর অনুসারীরা এই মসজিদটি নির্মাণ করেন। এই মসজিদে বর্গক্ষেত্রাকার একটি গম্বুজ রয়েছে যেটির প্রতিটি বাহুর মাপ ৩৯ ফুট ৬ ইঞ্চি। ইটের তৈরি ও টেরাকোটার নকশা করা এই মসজিদের একমাত্র প্রশস্ত গম্বুজটি মজবুতভাবে নির্মাণ করা হয়েছে। খান জাহান আলী (রঃ) এর নিজস্ব শৈলী অনুযায়ী মসজিদের গম্বুজের দেয়াল বেশ পুরু এবং গম্বুজের উপর একটি কার্নিশ রয়েছে।
[2] => Array
[name] => {:en}Badar Mokam Mosque{:}{:bn}বদর মোকাম মসজিদ{:}
[post_id] => 5558
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/badar-mokam-mosque/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/offroadbangladeshlogo2-300x178.png
[post_content] => {:en}
There are actually two Badar Mokam mosques are in Cox's Bazar. One of them is situated on the southern bank of the Bakkhali River under Cox's Bazar Pourashava. It is located just beside the Cox's Bazar post office. A beautiful mosque stands, which is known as Badar Mokam mosque. Besides, the southern-most apex of Teknaf Thana, Bangladesh is also widely known by that name. Once there was a mosque but the Badar Mokam mosque of Cox’s Bazar is the oldest one in the district.
কক্সবাজারে দুটি বদর মোকাম মসজিদ আছে। এই দুটি মসজিদের মধ্যে একটি কক্সবাজার পৌরসভার অধীনে বাকখালী নদীর দক্ষিন তীরে পোস্ট অফিসের পাশে অবস্থিত। অন্য মসজিদটি টেকনাফ থানার সর্বদক্ষিনে অবস্থিত আর একারনেই টেকনাফের এই স্থানটি এই মসজিদের নামেই সুপরিচিত। কক্সবাজারের বদর মোকাম মসজিদটি এই জেলার প্রাচীনতম মসজিদ।
[3] => Array
[name] => Walipur Alamgiri Mosque
[post_id] => 5153
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/walipur-alamgiri-mosque/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/WalipurAlamgiriMosque-300x214.jpg
[post_content] =>
Walipur Alamgiri Mosque is situated in Walipur village under Hajiganj Upazila of Chandpur district. There are two mosques in the same locality - one known as Shahi Alamgiri Mosque and the other as Shah Shuja Mosque. The Alamgiri mosque has suffered much due to subsequent restoration works. Nevertheless, enough still survives to give an idea of its original plan and design. A Persian inscription in fine nastaliq character, fixed over the central doorway, records the construction of the mosque by one Abdullah in 1692 AD in the reign of Alamgir Aurangzeb.
In the middle of the eastern facade of the oblong mosque (15.24 m by 8.23 m) there is a projected fronton bordered with octagonal turrets through which opens out the main doorway. This has a higher arch with a half-dome within a rectangular frame. There are two more doorways in the eastern facade, one on either side of the central opening, having an outer arch with a half-dome below. Each of the north and south walls is pierced with a pair of arched doorways. The mosque has therefore seven archways in total -three in the east and two on each of the north and south walls. The four exterior angles of the building are strengthened by octagonal towers, which are carried beyond the horizontal parapets and topped over with kalasa finials, but have now been renovated.
Two massive octagonal brick pillars divide the interior of the mosque into five square bays - a large one in the middle (5.87m a side) and two smaller ones on its either side which are arranged in the east-west axis. Archways interconnect the bays; the arches are placed directly on two free standing octagonal pillars and engaged semi-octagonal pillars. It is worth noting that these arches are continued upwards as walls to make the bays above. This special device has given the mosque a two-storied appearance internally. All the five bays are roofed over with domes crowned with lotus and kalasa finials on cylindrical drums. The domes are carried on half-domed squinches on the upper corners and the blocked arches in between the square inches in the middle of the walls.
Octagonal turrets rising high above the horizontal parapets border the outside projection of the central mihrab, like that of the central archway. Inside, there are three mihrabs in the qibla wall. The central mihrab is semi-octagonal in design, but the flanking mihrabs are of the shallow rectangular type.
The original plastering of the building has been replaced by modern cement plaster. The horizontal parapet is now plain. The facade of the central archway projection is marked with shallow rectangular panels, each being further enriched with such motifs as plants and small trees with flowers in stucco. The central mihrab arch springs from beautifully decorated pilasters and has foliaged designs at its spandrels. The rectangular frame of the central mihrab, though now barely plain, is topped over with a frieze of blind merlons. A fine specimen of Mughal stucco ornamentation is still preserved in the squinches and blocked arches in between, which support the domes above. The extrados of the squinch arches and blocked arches are ornamented with interlocking scrolls, while the tympanums of the blocked arches are minutely embellished with floral scrolls with intertwining rosettes in the centers. Above them all round the interior base of the cylindrical drum runs a slightly sunken frieze decorated with floral scrolls.
Five-domed type mosque, one of the important varieties of Bengal mosques, shows two sub-types: (a) a mosque with a large central dome and a pair of small domes on each side in the same line and (b) a mosque with a large central dome and four small domes on the corners. The present mosque is the culminating example of the second variety. Both in planning and in the execution of elevation details of the building, the architect and the artisans have left behind a clear mark of their skills and perfection of ideas. The division of the interior of the mosque into five squares has been very scientifically effected by the disposition of two octagonal short massive freestanding pillars instead of the two east-west wide arches of the previous examples of the series. Mosques on this model were not built in Bengal for a long time, but almost two centuries later the type reappeared in the Becharam Dewri Mosque (1872) in the city of Dhaka. In plan Becharam Dewri Mosque is an exact copy of the Alamgiri Mosque but inferior in quality and elevation details.
Such mosque design in Bengal started with austagram mosque and evolved through the sarail mosque and the Walipur Alamgiri Mosque. The design is really unique. Question may now arise as to the origin of this particular kind of Bengal mosques. In Turkey under the early Ottomans the mosque of Rustam Celebi (c first half of the 15th century) at Tokat provides perhaps the earliest known example of its kind with five domes - the large central one and a small one on four corners. Similar plan is also found in such other Ottoman mosques as the Guzelce Hasan Bey Mosque (1406) in Hayrabolu and the Uc Serefeli Cam (1437-47) at Edirne. These mosques are generally regarded as the precursors of the great Ottoman mosques at Istambul - Bayezid mosque (1501-06), Sulaymaniya Mosque (1550-59), and the beautiful Selimya Mosque (1569-75) at Edirne. The five-roomed or five-domed planning of the Ottoman mosques may perhaps be said to have been dictated by those of some early Muslim buildings of Syria.
In India the Jamat Khana Mosque (1310-16) at Delhi is a lone example of its kind. This mosque design continued to have been practiced in Northern India in an elaborated form in Humayun's Mosque (1530) at Agra, where four small domed-rooms, instead of two, are attached on either side of the large central domed chamber. It may, therefore, be said that the plan of the second variety of the five-domed type mosques in Bengal was not innovated by Bengal architects, and its idea is very likely to have been borrowed from the sources stated above, particularly perhaps from those of Turkey or Upper India.
Written by: MA Bari