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[name] => {:en}Majlis Awlia Mosque or Pathrail Mosque{:}{:bn}মজলিশ আউলিয়া মসজিদ অথবা পাথরাইল মসজিদ {:}
[post_id] => 5904
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This mosque is known as "Pathrail Mosque". But to the local people, it has other names, and it will be easier for you to find the place if you remember the other twos. People used to call this as "Dighir Par Mosque", also it has a name that is listed at Bangladesh government, "Majlis Awlia Mosque". This Masjid has three domes at the top of it. After taking the mosque under the Archaeological Heritages of Bangladesh, the government did some furnishing task over the mosque, so that it doesn't collapse, or doesn't become a ruin.
This mosque was built during anytime between 1393 AD to 1410 AD. The pundits are assuming that the mosque was built by the great ruler, Sultan Azam Shah. At the Southern side of the mosque, "Majlis Awlia Khan", the mosque was named after his name. There is a majar just near the mosque. The mazar was formed using the name of "Mastan Darbesh Nazimuddin Dewan" and "Fakir Salimuddin Dewan". There was a large Dighi(water tank) was created just near the mosque. The water tank was made to ease the water problem of the peasant. Thats why people used to call the mosque as "Dighir par jame moshjid".
পাথরাইল মসজিদ নামে পরিচিত এই মসজিদটির অন্য আরও দুটি নাম আছে। এগুলো হলঃ দীঘিরপাড় মসজিদ এবং মজলিশ আউলিয়া মসজিদ। মসজিদের নামগুলো মনে রাখলে আপনার মসজিদটিকে খুঁজে পেতে সুবিধা হবে। প্রত্নতত্ত্ব অধিদফতরের অধিগ্রহনের পর তিন গম্বুজ বিশিষ্ট এই মসজিদটি রক্ষার জন্য বেশকিছু রক্ষণাবেক্ষণের কাজ করে সরকার। সম্ভবত ১৩৯৩ থেকে ১৪১০ সালের মধ্যে মসজিদটি নির্মিত হয়েছিল। তবে, ইতিহাসবিদদের ধারনা সুলতান আজম শাহর শাসনামলে মসজিদটি নির্মিত হয়। মসজিদের দক্ষিনে রয়েছে ‘মজলিশ আউলিয়া খান’ যার নামে মসজিদের নামকরণ করা হয়েছে। মসজিদের কাছেই ‘মাস্তান দরবেশ নাজিমউদ্দিন দেওয়ান’ এবং ‘ফকির সালিমউদ্দিন দেওয়ানের মাজার রয়েছে। মসজিদের কাছে পানির সংকট নিরসনের জন্য একটি বিশাল দিঘীও খনন করা হয়েছিল আর একারনেই স্থানীয়রা মসজিদটিকে ‘দীঘিরপাড় জামে মসজিদ’ নামে বলে থাকে।
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[name] => Kherua Masjid
[post_id] => 4643
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It was built at a time when Sultani era was at its end and Mughal era had just set in. According to the inscription found in the mosque, it was built by Nawab Mirza Murad Khan, son of Jawahar Ali Khan Kakshal, in 1582 AD (989 Hijri).
The end of the 16th century AD is regarded as a tumultuous period in the history of Bengal due to anti-Mughal resistance spearheaded by the Bara Bhuiyans. During this era, the region, mentioned as ‘Sherpur Morcha’ in Ain-i Akbari by abul fazal, was the stronghold of the Kakshal rebels. They expressed solidarity with the bara bhuiyans of Bengal and the Afghan leader Masum Khan Kabuli. In fact Khherua mosque came into being to serve the community. As it was built while a political crisis was going on, a degree of negligence is evident in the construction and ornamentation of the mosque.
The rectangular mosque is 17.34 meters long from north to south while 7.5 meters wide from west to east. Its dimension from inside is 13.72 meters long and 3.8 meters wide. The walls are about 1.83 meters thick. The mosque has three entrances on the east, of which the central one is bigger than the two on its sides. Also, there is an entry on each side on the north and the south. Inside the mosque, on the west wall, there are three half-cylindrical concave mihrabs within a rectangular frame. The one in the middle is bigger than the other two and all three are devoid of any ornamentation.
Kherua mosque has three domes in a row, which look like three bowls of same size placed upside down. There is no motif or ornamentation on the domes. The construction looks similar to that of Sultani era. The two sides of the cornice are slightly curved taking after the traditional hut of Bengal. This type of roof treatment is seen in most of the 15th century architectural works. In the front walls some paneling work was done. There was some ornamentation with terracotta tiles, which are no longer there now. There were two inscriptions engraved on the two sides of the central entrance. One inscription is still there while the other is being preserved in the Karachi Museum. From the shape of the stone used for the inscription, it is assumed that the piece was the part of a statue; and the inscription was inscribed on the backside of the statue and placed on the wall. Kherua Mosque demands a great importance as an example of early mughal mosques in Bengal.
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[name] => Khwaja Shahbaz Mosque and Tomb
[post_id] => 7357
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Khwaja Shahbaz, the founder of the mosque was a prominent merchant of Dhaka. In fact, prominent is not the paragon for him. People used to call him as "Merchant of Prince". According to the history of the mosque, it was built at 1679 AD in the surrounding of the Ramna Park.
The mosque has three large Domes, and the architecture is almost similar to the structures at the era of Mughal (Shaista Khan). The measurement of the mosque is exactly 20.73 m by 7.92m. It is comprises with three front doors, where the middle one is a bit larger compare if you compare with other two.
As a commemoration, the mosque premise has a tomb of the founder of the mosque. The tomb is decorated with only a single dome. The southern part of the tomb has a nicely shaped veranda with a curvy roof. Inside the tomb, there is something which is covered with red cloth.
Each corner of the mosque or the tomb has a firmly built pillar, which are lovely to examine. The baroque style of the pillar will certainly impress you. Neither the mosque nor the tomb has any window. That's why when you'll look inside the tomb or mosque, you'll find it a bit darker, no matter how sunny the day is. Finally it is strictly forbidden for the women for "Jumma Prayer" at Friday. Using a notice board at the facade of the mosque, it’s proclaimed that they have no facilities for women for Jumma Prayer.
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[name] => Single domed Mosque and Tomb of Shah Mansur
[post_id] => 5775
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In every single part of Bangladesh there are some Archaeological & Historical remains, which has enriched our cultural history. Lack of awareness and proper knowledge in common people results in gradual ruining of many Historical & Archaeological sites in our country.
One of the great example of deteriorations of an Archaeological site in Narsingdi district is ‘Single domed Mosque and Tomb of Shah Mansur’ located at Kumradi, Shibpur upazila.
It was built in eighteenth century by a Muslim saint named Shah Mansur. In course of time, the existence of the mosque is totally replaced by a new built Madrasa. But, still now the remaining of ‘Tomb of Shan Mansur’ is existing, although it is hard to assume how the original structure was.
Architectural Property and Layout:
Tomb of Shah Mansur, A massive structure which is architecturally rich and decorated with different kinds of design. It is in rectangular shape and built in very unique way. In the western wall of this building there are five arch shaped entrance, among them middle one is open and decorated with multi foil design. Others are Closed arch & also contains the same design like the opened one. The southern side of the tomb is severely disturbed, broken and ruined. Main entrance of the tomb is totally vanished, but still we can observe some three archways very close to the grave of Shah Mansur. It seems like there are two grave inside the building. We assume that other grave might be Shah Mansur’s wife.
There is another unique structure situated in the southern side of the tomb. It is just a square shaped Minar containing open space inside of it, in the roof top it contains a bulbous shaped dome. It has four arch shaped ways in four brick wall.
In the most eastern part of this tomb there is a large pond. Which is probably same years old as the tomb is.
Myth related to this Structure:
There are several myths interrelated with this feature. People say that Shah Mansur used to pet a tiger inside of square shaped structure which is situated in the eastern side of the tomb. Although, It’s a myth but it contains some evidences which might prove it true. Inside of this square shaped structure there are two iron’s ring attached with brick wall.
And it is also said, Once there were some big fishes in the pond. Local people believe that, those fish were actually cursed human being and for this reason they buried those death fish in a grave yard near to Pond.
Present Condition and Immediate Conservation Issue:
Present condition of the features situated in this complex is in very sensitive condition. One domed Mosque built by Shah Mansur is vanished and a new Madrasa replacing it. The tomb of Shah Mansur is near to destruction. The whole brick building contains several banyan tree and different species of trees.
The unique square shaped Minar is also near to ruin. Beside this structure there is bathroom built very recently for Madrasa students.
Immediate steps should be taken to conserve and preserve these features from its deterioration.