Siddhakathi Zamidar Bari

Type: Palace
Contributed By: Nayeem


Siddhakathi Zamidar Bari is the residence of Siddhakathi Rai Chowdhury, who is the father-in-law of Kamini Ray. The main building was damaged years before, only few remains with a Rangmahal. There is a well decorated pond, which is the witness of time. Siddhakathi School was built by landlord Jagot Prosonno Ray. Till now, the school is in its own height. This landlord house is in 3/4 km distance from Nalchiti Sadorat at Siddhakathi village.

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How to go

From Jhalakathi town, you can easily get local transport to reach Nalchiti Sadar of Jhalakathi district.

How To Reach: Jhalakathi District

The following buses head to Dhaka from Jhalakathi:

1. Sugandha Paribahan-Departure time from Jhalakathi: 7:45AM, 8:45AM, 09:45AM and 10:30PM. Phone no-01739025815(Jhalakathi)

2. Druti Paribahan– Departure time from Jhalakathi: 8:00AM, 8:30AM, 3:00PM, 9:00PM and 10:00PM. Phone no-01712617435(Jhalakathi).Phone no-01674005799(Jhalakathi)

3. Hanif Paribahan– Departure time from Jhalakathi-7:30AM, 8:45AM, 10:00AM, 11:45AM and 10:00PM. Phone no-01712154115(Jhalakathi), 01716422550(Jhalakathi), 017130149572(Dhaka), 02-8056366(Dhaka)

1. M.V. Tipu-Departure time from Sadarghat, Dhaka-7:30PM, Arrival time in Jhalakathi-5:00AM-7:00AM.Departure time from Jhalakathi- 6:00PM.Arrival time at Dhaka-5:00AM-7:00AM. Fair Deck-130BDT, Single Cabin-800BDT, Double Cabin-1500BDT.
Phone no-01721978652

2. Sunadarban-Fair and time of Departure are same as M.V Tipu. But departs from Jhalakathi at odd dates, departs from Dhaka at even dates. Phone no-01712811092

By Steamer:
1. T.S Masud: Departure time from Sadarghat, Dhaka-6:00PM, Arrival time in Jhalakathi-5:00AM-8:00AM.Departure time from Jhalakathi- 4:00PM.Arrival time at Dhaka-5:00AM-8:00AM.Fair-Deck-100BDT, Single (Second class)-395BDT, Double (Second class)-790BDT, Single (First class)-655BDT, Double (First class)-1310BDT. It Departs Tuesday and Friday from Jhalakathi, Monday and Thursday.

2. T.S Ostrich: Everything same as T.S Masud but it departs Wednesday and Saturday from Jhalakathi, Tuesday and Friday from Dhaka.

3. T.S Lepcha: Everything same as T.S Masud and T.S ostrich except it departs Monday and Thursday from Jhalokati, Sunday and Wednesday from Dhaka.

Where to Stay

The accommodation facilities in Jhalakathi are as follows:

1. Dhansiri Rest House: Kalibari Road, Jhalakathi-Phone no-0498-62212

2. Halima Boarding: MD Aziz Sadr road, Choumatha, Jhalakathi-Phone no-0498-62286

3. Arafat boarding: Phone no-0498-63589

Things to do

• There is well decorated pond is the witness of time.
• Roam around the Zamidar Bari and enjoy natural sites.
• Take pictures and have an idea about the belongings of them and their family.

Eating Facilities

There are a few restaurants along highway road and in the local markets, most serving Bangladeshi standards. But expectations regarding food should not be high.


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