Where to Stay
There are more than 71 quality hotel in Dhaka. Some are listed below…
1. Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel, Dhaka
107 , Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Tel: +880 2 811 1005
Website : Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel, Dhaka
2. Ruposhi Bangla Hotel
1 Minto Road, Shahbagh, Dhaka,
Phone : 88-02-8330001
Fax : 88-02-8312975
Email : sales@ruposhibanglahotel.com
Website : Ruposhi Bangla Hotel
3. Radisson Water Garden Hotel, Dhaka
Airport Road, Dhaka Cantonment,
Dhaka 1206 Bangladesh.
Telephone: + 88 02 8754555
Fax: + 88 02 8754554 , + 88 02 8754504
Email : reservations.dhaka[at]radisson.com
Website : Radisson Water Garden Hotel
Dhaka Bangladesh
4. Dhaka Regency Hotel & Resort
Airport Road, Nikunja 2
Dhaka 1229, Bangladesh.
Phone : +88-02-8913912, +880 2 8900250-9
Fax : +88-02-8911479
Email : info@dhakaregency.com
Website : www.dhakaregency.com
5. Best Western La Vinci Hotel, Dhaka
54, Kawran Bazar,
Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh
Phone No : 880-2-9119352
Fax No : 880-2-9131218
E-mail : lavinci[at]bol-online.com ,
Web : www.lavincihotel.com
6. The Westin Hotel
Main Gulshan Avenue,
Plot-01, Road 45, Gulshan-2
Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Phone : 88-02-9891988
7. Royal Park Residence Hotel
House no. 85, Road no. 25A
Block – A, Banani,
Dhaka 1213 Bangladesh.
Telephone: + 88 02 8815945/46
Fax: + 88 02 8815299
Email : hotelinfo[at]royalparkbd.com
Website : Royal Park Residence Hotel
8. Bengal Inn
House # 07, Road # 16,
Gulshan – 01
Dhaka 1212 Bangladesh.
Tel: +880 2 98880236, 9880610
Fax: +880 2 9880274
Email : info[at]bengalinn.com
Website : www.bengalinn.com
9. Hotel Sarina Dhaka
Plot #27, Road #17
Banani C/A,
Dhaka 1213 Bangladesh.
Tel: +880 2 8859604 -10, 8851040 -2, 8851011-4
Fax: +880 2 988-9989
Email : sales[at]sarinahotel.com, reservations[at]sarinahotel.com
Website : www.sarinahotel.com
[0] => Array
[name] => Rocks Museum
[post_id] => 3097
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/rocks-museum-2/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/ROCKS-MUSEUM2-300x183.jpg
[post_content] =>
The Panchagarh Rocks Museum is the first rocks museum of Bangladesh. It is located in Panchagarh Govt. Prof. Nazmul Haque, principal of Panchagarh Govt. Mohila College, established the rocks museum on March 1, 1997. The Rocks museum is separate into two galleries, external and internal. In the external gallery there has a vast number of rocks; and in the internal gallery, there are small stones of different ages.
Collection of Rocks: Petrified Wood and Fossilized Rocks, Granite, Quartzite Shell, Lime Stone, Sits, Hard Rock, Basalt, Silica, Nice, Clay-Rock etc. have been keep in the Rocks museum for display. These are almost 60 pieces of rocks from different age sized by 3-4 inches to 10 feet.
In the museum there are some other important collections. Two antiquarian boats which built with only one truck of tree and about 500 to 1000 years ago and Multicolored sand and earth, petrified 'shall wood' and net, very old pictured bamboo fearing, different type antics, very old writings.
[1] => Array
[name] => {:en}MAG Osmani Museum{:}{:bn}ওসমানী জাদুঘর{:}
[post_id] => 4406
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/mag-osmani-museum/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Osmani-Museum-Dr.Syed-Zaghlul-Ali31-300x169.jpg
[post_content] => {:en}
MAG Osmani Museum is a museum in Sylhet, Bangladesh. The ancestors’ home of Bangabir General Muhammad Ataul Gani Osmani, the Commander-in-Chief of Bangladesh Forces (12 April 1971 - 7 April 1972) has been transformed into today’s famous “Osmani Museum”. It is situated at the heart (Dhopa Dighir Par) of the Sylhet City Corporation area in renowned Sylhet Division of Bangladesh.
It is about 12 km from the Sylhet Osmani International Airport and 3 km from the Sylhet Railway Station. Maintained and organized by the Bangladesh National Museum, this museum has been established to pay rich tribute to the great hero of Bangladesh for his outstanding accomplishments. This will surely act as a stimulus to the future generations. The foundation stone was laid on 16 February 1985 and it was inaugurated on 4 March 1987 by the then president of Bangladesh H M Ershad.
‘Nur Manzil’ is by and large a tin shade building having few rooms and other amenities including an exquisite piazza in the front. One has to cross few meters from the main gate to reach the Museum. A huge portrait of the General, placed in the center of the entrance hall greets the visitors. Receptionist welcomes the guests. One has to write name and address in the register placed in the reception. A befitting sitting place is also available in the lobby.
This historic museum comprises three galleries, where personal belongings of General Osmani and a good number of historical photographs are preserved befittingly. On both western and eastern side of the building there exist two small rooms, where Assistant Keeper and Care Taker’s office are situated.
{:}{:bn}মহান মুক্তিযুদ্ধে মুক্তিবাহিনীর সর্বাধিনায়ক (১২ এপ্রিল ১৯৭১-৭ এপ্রিল ১৯৭২) বঙ্গবীর জেনারেল মুহাম্মাদ আতাউল গনি ওসমানীর পৈতৃক নিবাসটিকে বর্তমানে ‘ওসমানী জাদুঘর’ হিসেবে ব্যবহার করা হচ্ছে। এই জাদুঘরটি সিলেট ওসমানী আন্তর্জাতিক বিমানবন্দর থেকে ১২ কিলোমিটার এবং সিলেট রেলওয়ে স্টেশন থেকে ৩ কিলোমিটার দূরে অবস্থিত। বাংলাদেশের মহান মুক্তিযুদ্ধে জেনারেল ওসমানীর মহান অবদানকে শ্রদ্ধাভরে স্মরণ করতে এই জাদুঘরটি প্রতিষ্ঠা করা হয়। এই জাদুঘরটির রক্ষনাবেক্ষনের করছে বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জাদুঘর। ১৯৮৫ সালের ১৬ই ফেব্রুয়ারি এই জাদুঘরটির ভিত্তিপ্রস্তর স্থাপন করা হয় এবং বাংলাদেশের তৎকালীন রাষ্ট্রপতি এইচ এম এরশাদ ১৯৮৭ সালের ৪ঠা মার্চ এই জাদুঘরটি উদ্বোধন করেন। এই জাদুঘরটি নিঃসন্দেহে ভবিষ্যৎ প্রজন্মকে প্রেরনা জোগাবে।
‘নুর মঞ্জিল’ হলো কয়েকটি কক্ষ সমৃদ্ধ একটি টিনশেড ভবন যেটির সামনে রয়েছে একটি চমৎকার চত্বর। জাদুঘরে পৌছাতে হলে আপনাকে মূল ফটক থেকে কয়েক মিটার অতিক্রম করতে হবে। জাদুঘরে ঢোকার মুখেই অভ্যর্থনাকারীদের পাশাপাশি জেনারেল ওসমানীর একটি বিশাল প্রতিকৃতি আপনাকে স্বাগত জানাবে। আপনাকে অভ্যর্থনা কক্ষে রক্ষিত রেজিস্টারে আপনার নাম ও ঠিকানা লিপিবদ্ধ করতে হবে। জাদুঘরের লবিতে বসার সুব্যাবস্থা রয়েছে। এই জাদুঘরের তিনটি গ্যালারীতে জেনারেল ওসমানীর ব্যবহার করা জিনিসপত্র ছাড়াও বেশকিছু ঐতিহাসিক ছবি যথাযথভাবে সংরক্ষণ করা হয়েছে। জাদুঘর ভবনের পশ্চিম এবং পূর্ব প্রান্তে জাদুঘরের তত্ত্বাবধায়ক এবং সহযোগী তত্ত্বাবধায়কের কক্ষ অবস্থিত।{:}
[2] => Array
[name] => Pithavoge Rabindra Memorial Complex
[post_id] => 18368
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/pithavoge-rabindra-memorial-complex/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/P_20150908_100514_1_p-300x169.jpg
[post_content] =>
In Khulna, there is a memorial complex by the name of Rabindranath Tagore. It was his ancestors place in Bangladesh. At that time they were known as "Kushari" instead of Tagore. By and by, the family name became Thakur. However, some descendant of the bloodline still lives here and grow their own business.
A very brief History of Rabindra Tagore’s ancestors:
A descendant of the Kushari Family went near Kolkata (India) to spread his business. At that time in that place he was the only person from the “Brahman” class. That means his family members can do Hindu rituals. During that period, the Brahman class was called “Thakur” by the general people. In course of time, Thakur became their family title.
In that bloodline, the famous noble laurite Rabindranath Tagore was born. On the other hand, the root bloodline of Kushari family remain living in the greater Khulna area.
Kushari: Etymology
It is believed that, Five person came to spread Hinduism in the particular part of Khulna. Their descendants lately became the ruler of “Kush” village and the word Kushari became their family name.
Pithavoge Kushari bari:
After the demolition of the old house, the government of the people’s republic of Bangladesh established a one storied memorial complex in 2007 at Pithavoge where a bust of Tagore is established. There are a lot of photos of historical moments of Rabindranath Tagore to display. The unique thing is, Rabindranath drew a few artworks which are also displayed in here. The most mentionable is the self portrait of Rabindranath Tagore drew by himself.
[3] => Array
[name] => Ethnological Museum
[post_id] => 933
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/ethnological-museum/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Ethnological_Museum_05Moheen-Reeyad-300x200.jpg
[post_content] =>
Ethnological Museum is a unique treasure house, consisting of variety of tribal culture and heritage of Bangladesh. The Ethnological Museum of Chittagong was established in the first half of nineteen sixties. Inside the museum, there are 4 galleries and a small hall. This is considered as the only ethnology museum in Bangladesh which displays the lifestyles and heritage of 37 ethnic groups and four foreign countries.
The Bangladeshi ethnic groups includes Chakma, Marma, Tripura, Chak, Tanchangya, Murong, Khumi, Garo, Bawm, Pankho, Lusai, Khyang, Monipuri, Khashia, Oraon, Hajong, Mandai, Dalue, Hodi, Bona, Polia, Koch, Rajbangshi, Santal, Munda, Ho and many more. This museum not only preserving the past, but also growing and developing in line with the growth and development of the country, and therefore documenting the present for future generations to look back on its reflection.