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[name] => {:en}Karpashdanga Neelkuthi{:}{:bn}কারপাসডাঙ্গা নীলকুঠি{:}
[post_id] => 1691
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During the British period in Bengal, farmers used to cultivate Neel. Karpashdanga Neelkuthi was used as the official administrative buildings to administer Neel farmers. This place has a decorative area with little history behind it. There is an open vast space where you can sit & make you feel bit relaxed. This place is so beautiful that it will take you close to nature. The place is surrounded by different type of trees which created shades to make the atmosphere cold.
There is a rest house where you can take rest for a while. Almost in every day lots of people come from different districts to see the place. There is a small market where you can find different types of items that are related with these places.
[This spot needs more detail. If you have more information and photos, please be advised to add in our website. Your name will be published as a Content Contributor]
চুয়াডাঙ্গা জেলার দামুরহুদা উপজেলায় কারপাসডাঙ্গা নীলকুঠি অবস্থিত। ইংরেজ ইস্ট ইন্ডিয়া কোম্পানির শাসনকালে নীল চাষিদের তদারকি করার জন্য নীলকুঠিগুলো ব্যবহার করা হত। নীলকুঠিগুলোর ইতিহাস প্রসিদ্ধ না হলেও এগুলো বেশ সাজানো গুছানো ছিল। এখানকার নীলকুঠিতে বিশাল ফাকা জায়গা রয়েছে যেখানে বসে আপনি বিশ্রাম নিতে পারবেন এবং এখানে খুব সহজেই প্রকৃতির কাছাকাছি চলে যেতে পারবেন। নানা ধরনের গাছের উপস্থিতি এই নীলকুঠিটিকে প্রশান্তিদায়ক করেছে। ক্লান্ত হয়ে পরলে এখানে অবস্থিত রেস্ট হাউজে বিশ্রাম নিতে পারবেন। প্রতিদিন বিভিন্ন স্থান থেকে অনেকে আসেন নীলকুঠিটি দেখতে।
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[name] => Judge Bari and Ukil Bari
[post_id] => 10277
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Traveling Nawabganj without paying a visit to Judge Bari and Ukil Bari (জজ বাড়ি এবং উকিল বাড়ি) (formerly known as Brojo Kutir) is nearly incomplete trip. Originally it was built as the residence of a Zamindar over a century ago, the Brojo Niketan was acquired by a judge in 1984, and henceforth became known locally as the judge bari, the residence of the judge.
Next door to the judge bari, on a corner of a sprawling playground made famous by the sheer attendance of Mahatma Gandhi in 1940, is another Zamindar’s house, which has been acquired by a lawyer, and thus taken the new name Ukil Bari.
In a small shrine between these two old palatial houses, one will come across a statue whose head has been knocked down, allegedly by the Pakistan Army during our Liberation War in 1971, supposedly of Gautama Buddha.
A little inside the Ansar controlled areas, one would come across the Brojo Kutir - the older palace of the Zamindar, and yet another palatial house of Kokil Peyari. It has now turned into a local picnic spot.
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[name] => Niyogi House
[post_id] => 16728
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The Niyogi House (নিয়গি বাড়ি) is located at Pukur Para (পুকুর পাড়া) of Singair Upazila. It is a old house built by Ganesh Chandra Niyogi more than 100 years ago. The household comprises of three structures, the principal and largest one is in severe ruins. Not only has the entire roof fallen down, anything that once formed this roof has now disappeared. The large arched doors and windows including their frames too are not to be found anywhere. It had a spacious corridor running the length of the building inside.
Another large building, though too in a dilapidated state is currently being used as the hostel of the local college. The smallest structure that once served as the kitchen has been renovated and is currently being used as accommodation by the Head of the Department of Economics of the same institution. He was there to proudly show us around the premises.
Within the inner compound of the buildings, there is an old well, which shows more waste than water some fifteen feet below. Date inscribed there 1334 Falgun (ফালগুণ) on the wall of this well, declaring this to be at least 87 years old.
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[name] => Shahrail Boro Bari
[post_id] => 17381
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If you are travelling Singair Upazila of Manikganj District then there will be a significant number of options come to your hand for paying a visit. A traveler or explorer who is interested in travelling old houses, then we may suggest whenever you will reach there at Singair Bazar, you would rather take a left turn and cover a distance of around 7-8 km to get there at the old house name Shahrail Boro Bari (সাহরাইল বড় বাড়ি) situated nearby Charigram Bazar. We could not revealed actual history as it is not being well documented anywhere about this Old House.
It seems hard for ORB (Offroad Bangladesh) team to recover the elaborate background history of this place until there is any publication or thesis report being found. We observed people calling this house a zamindar Palace as it is very common trends in our country to name a Old house Zamindar Bari .
So far our experts team can assume is that this House could be a part of Zamindari estate previously as we have discovered so many palatial houses around the same district. But considering the structure, the building layout, and the decorative patterns that are still visible in open eyes we can say at best, it was possibly the residential block of the eminent officials of the estate.
Interviewing the local folks we came to know that this property belonged to two Saha brothers named Ram Mohon Saha and Koushik Saha who allegedly sold off the property to its current owner a former Member of Parliament, before migrating to India. The owner we were told is planning on dismantling the damages and renovating the building.